Just to busy

Hi you guys. I have been so busy with all the that has been happening and I don't have time to update like I promised to and I am so sorry. But I really you guys could understand what I'm going through. My birthday past about a week ago and it was the worst birthday. Then next was this drama with this at school shunning me because she doesn't me talking to her boyfriend when he is my best friend. So she's been doing to me and it pisses me off.  And then there's my family that aren't the best at supporting me at all. Like if I. Get a B i get lectured and I'm tired of it. They don't even accept me as I am because they don't want me to be me they always compare me to my friends and it makes me mad and sad. And lastly you guys know how you have besties well I have 5 besties(don't judge me) and two if then are acting like es and it just ticks me off and one of them called me a for nothing. I was just walking to lunch and she calls me a . So I really do apologize for not even keeping my promise I just think that I should go on hiatus. Hopefully some people read this.


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lightningmaknae #1
It's okay, I'm in the hospital now…got beaten up and thrown around T.T all the best and I'm looking forward to your updates!!! :)
I know what you mean and talking about-- we're almost the same but yeah. I hope you'll get through it and take your time. Hwaiting- and don't let them let you down because every person has the right to be respected and their own rights. Be yourself because the feeling when you pretend. Prove to them that you're someone awesome and you can do better than what they expected.Take care too :)
JungAidee #3
Don't worry! oh! and Happy late Birthday! And don't let other people get you down, every person is amazing as they are!
BAPismyrice #4
I know how it is. My family compares me to my friends too. Sad truth... But forget all that sheit. It's just gonna stress you more.