five music artists


Pick five music artists that you love before reading the questions.


1.                            Beast


2.                            Infinite

3.                            Big Bang

4.                            Super Junior

5.                            2ne1


What is the first song you ever heard by 1?

~ Shock

What is your favorite song of 5?

~ Lonely

What kind of impact has 1 left on your life?

~ Well, in the music scene, they've become an inspiration to me, i started  dancing seriously because of them, sing out with all my heart  because of them, they became an inspiration to me for the past 8 months. (Yes i've been a b2uty for 8 months.) And they made me show my dorky side. I was a very quiet and unsociable girl, but then i heard of them, started watching their shows were they show they're dorky sides, and i got the courage to show mine also. And i also started writing fanfictions because of them, i improved my english skills because of writing their fictions. (i am a hardcore Junseung, Dooseob, Kiwoon shipper forever) They probably changed  half of my life.  

What are your favorite lyrics of 5?

~Nega Jeil Jal Naga~

How many times have you seen 4 live?

~ Dude, they've been here for like, 3 times. But i didn't get to see them live. 

What is your favorite song by 2?

~ Julia. Whenever i hear this song. I cry.

Is there a song by 3 that makes you sad?

~ Yes, Haru Haru.

When did you first get into 2?

~ October 25 , 2011 <3

What is your favorite song by 4?

~ Shake it up, No Other

What is a good memory concerning 1?

~ May 14, 2011, when i became an official B2uty... And the time i started shipping original 3 and write fanfictions about them. And the first time Junhyung and Hyunseung tweeted each other, and just this recent days junseung took a selca infront of the audience~

Song by 2 that makes you sad?

~ Julia. Yes I cry when i listen to that and still it's my favorite.

What is your favorite song of 3?

~ Well, is GDTOP included? I like don't go home by GTOP. But if the whole bigbang, it would be Always. :D


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ur also a b2uty!
Lucifer98 #2