so probably, some knows this already but i bet majority don't. well, I just wanna share to you it once more. :)



There was this inter-level dance competetion in our college entitled "MELTDOWN To The Chill Of Christmas" which was organized by Paci Rhutmos Dance Troupe (which I am a part of after being chosen at the auditions held last July) last Dec. 12.

There were a total of 8 groups, 10-15 persons each. 3 groups were from fresmhmen, 2 from the juniors and 3 from the sophomores. (there weren't any seniors since they were really busy with studies)


i joined the competition and the group I was in is from the freshmen, since I am one, DAYBREAK.


below is the picture of us which I beleive you can't tell where I am. :)))




after a 3-long hour program, we manage to place 4th and were the only freshmen group in the top 5!! *does a freaking weird congratulatory dance*


it might be depressing at frist but it's all worth it cause it's a fact that the teams who placed 3rd-1st were all SO GODDAMN AWESOME!

it was a really happy and a nice experience for me and the team! hope we can join again next year and hopefully, land a place in top 3!!!! 



Since then, people that I don't know started to recognize me cause of it. they were like, "WOW! YOU WERE AWESOME!" "YOUR GROUP WAS FANATASTCI!" I'm beginning to gain some popularity! OH YEAH!! ♥ 

but well, all of us were.


I really just wanted to share to you the good experience I've had with them and how hard we worked on it and contended with the outcome. :)


I'll miss our group~ TILL THEN! for now, FOCUS ON STUDIES!!!! :))

(but were on aChristmas holiday break right now for 2 weeks so, I have to enjoy it to the max till classes resume!!)


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Hehe I'm glad that you have a Group!That's awesome!;)
Chukahe on your winnings!I'm Sure you guys were Amazing on the stage!Hwaitiiing on your Next works!:)~^^
Woah,,,, that is AWESOME!! Congrats on your winning,,, seriously i dont know where is you,, ahahah because i never met you! Hahaha silly me XD anyway,, you are just awesome! I bet you are very talented! GOOD LUCK on your life,,