[ Mrs. Agent ] — Seo Danbi

Mrs. Agent
About you

Name : Seo Danbi


+ Danny - by her friends and co-workers and maids -- basically everyone that know her. It comes from her name, Danbi

+ Rain - her codename. It's called by her fellow co-workers when on missions. It is an english translation of her name 'Danbi' which means 'Sweet Rain'.

+ Cheshire Cat - by her co-workers and her love interest. It starts when they discovered Danbi's 'killer smile' and decided it's scary since it has the ability to draw  people's attention in a heartbeat. And hence the name. The love interest though, had heard it when one of the other girls (her co-worker) incidently called it in front of him. She looked ABSOLUTELY annoyed at that time. And he seems to think she looks cute when she's annoyed.

+ The Princess - by her love interest. Mostly because she acts all high and mightly at school. being the Student Council President and all that, but secretly because he wants her to be his princess. And again, for the purpose of annoying her.

+ The Puppet - by her older brother. He actually loves her a lot. The name though, was an inside thing;It's because she becomes their parents' stringless puppet.

Age : 18 years old

Birthdate : September 12 1996

Birthplace : Harajuku, Japan

Hometown : London, England

Ethnicity : Full korean

Languages : 

English - fluent;she grows up in London.  A huge part of her life was spent with speaking in English.

Korean - fluent; though she only learn this when she's already 10 years old, her parents strictly wants her to speak fluently to build good image for her father's sake. //

Japan - conversational; she always love Japanese culture but it is almost impossible to actually go and live there again. So she just learns their language.

Chinese - conversational; because she had to learn several languages, or so what her parents told her.

French - conversational; because she had to learn several languages.

Spanish - conversatinal; because she had to learn several languages.

Italian - conversational; because she had to learn several languages.

Russian - conversational; becasue she had to learn several languages



Personality Traits : 


The SPY Values:









+Confident (close to cocky and proud)

+Sensitive / crybaby


The only NORMAL Value




Personality : 


“Looks can be deceiving”

Born in a family of politics; the status as the daughter that was born from political marriages pretty much affected Danbi’s whole personality and life. How so? Well, let’s start off with her strongest persona that pretty much shaped a Seo Danbi. Danbi is often described as sweet, graceful, sophisticated and full of smiles – all of those pretty appearances and a whole lot of others except her true self; a manipulative girl. First thing you need to know about her is her strong manipulative instinct. Layers between her enchanting voice and innocent breath-taking smile, lays a mischievous heart that finds pleasure in deceiving rather than getting something. There are already some strong seducers in the F.H.A, but Danbi’s existence was never meant to seduce anyone. She is meant to deceive them. And believe me when I said she’s good in it.

While on work, Danbi always seems to be helpful to her targets, but that’s only for the show. She doesn’t just do something helpful to be helpful; she does ‘favours’ which adds up to obligation on her targets’ part. As a past con artist, Danbi can’t help being good at making people feel bad about themselves: that all of their problems are their own faults, as well as she can’t help making people feel good with themselves. She forces her targets to continuously dissemble their mood so as to not draw her negative attentions.

Danbi never asks a direct question. She always asks disguised questions in order to go undetected. Words like “Perhaps you could tell me....” , “I wish you could...” , and “I suppose you are going to...” are example of disguised questions that she used to force her targets to do something and steal information – and maybe other valuable things too. But above all, her most powerful manipulating skill is her ‘no-way-out’ skill. The targets will be asked a question and given a choice, but the answer has actually been decided. Let’s say she really has to make an appointment with the target at some other time, but since requesting such thing will make her feel like losing control over the target, she’ll ask a question like this, “So…Would you like an appointment at 6:15 or 6:30?” , when the real question shouldn't be the time of the appointment; but whether the target wants an appointment at all. After such a question, there’ll a pregnant pause and without realising, the targets will jump in and do whatever she wants them to do.

Also you might take this lightly, but one of Danbi’s strong weapons to manipulate is her smile, or commonly known as the killer smile. So when you spotted Seo Danbi smiling in such a way that it makes you breathe heavily, being enchanted or worse – lost your mind, remember, it’s an unspoken warning of run away!


“I like her. She always makes me feel better.”


It’s a gift for saying the right thing at the right time. Partly because of all of the etiquette lesson but mostly because of her manipulative side (for the spy purpose of course), Danbi is always appropriate and sensitive; never rude or careless. She’ll deflect negative comments and try to divert the attention towards something more positive. It’s originally a skill develops to polish her con-artist’s skill and later, her spy’s skill but when it finally becomes a habit, people starts to gather around her. Looking at in from another view, this is the main reason why she’s so likeable, why she always seems so friendly and kind – and definitely why people won’t suspect her as a spy.


“For god’s sake – please DO think before you act!”

Despite being tactful with people, Danbi is a person who is slightly impulsive and unpredictable – in a word, capricious. With her, it’s almost impossible to predict what she’s thinking or about to do. The Boss of F.H.A always thought it is just an act of pantomime; a part of her accomplished manipulative skills in order to get her targets respond in a conversation. But it is honestly just who she really is. Because of this it is hard to figure what she’s really thinking. She can just stick to a decision firmly and confidently throughout the way but hastily change her mind at the very end. She also seems to be unstable at times that even the Boss had a hard time controlling this young spy. She would cry when you expected her to laugh; smile when you're expecting anger; cursed when you're preparing to receive compliment. She is a person who you would wait until she's fully ready at the starting line when she's already smirking at the finish line.


“My,my — what a perfect daughter!”

Elegant. Elegant. Elegant.

Danbi has been raised up knowing she had no choice but to be elegant, full of manners and be graceful of all time because of her family status. Because of her strict mother and uptight teachers, Danbi finally grows up possessing all the perfect features of a woman – or a girl, in her case. She is full of charms; graceful in everything that she did, charismatic in every task that she is given and mostly, very sweet in her interaction with people – I mean, what do you expect? She’s the President’s daughter. She ought to look perfect and sweet all the time. After being a spy, her older co-workers, who she had thought as her own sisters decided that it is a perfect disguise to cover up her spy-identity and encouraged her towards the ‘feminine’ side. And then you have it; a satisfied mother, a proud teacher, a bunch of fans and friends – and above all, a perfectly feminine and elegant Seo Danbi.


“Wait…you’re saying that Seo Danbi is nice and sweet?? I know her – she’s such a spoilt diva!”

As we all know, all of that elegant and grace and all are just for the show, and she had been keeping that well for a very long time until one day, she exploded. Not exploded like really exploded – it’s just that she started to rebel. Around 15, Danbi had enough of all the orders she kept receiving. She felt like a string-less puppet, helplessly pushed here and there by her parents.

It was then she started to act like a spoilt brat – and that’s who she is till this day today. It began when she requested to be transferred to Seoul High: an infamous school in South Korea, known for its intelligent and talented students – and the troubles they created. Her dad was fuming with anger when he found out but it was too late – the moment the school saw her name on the waiting list, she was accepted almost immediately. At the school, with her excellent grades, active participations in acrobatics (sports) and her absolute adoring personality towards teachers, she became the President of the Student Council. And she ruled the school with much diva-ness.

In order to match with the egoistic and materialistic students there, Danbi transforms into a conceited brat; she becomes full of herself and only allowed her name to be praised. Her self-centeredness shines most above all, if I may say. She puts herself before everyone else and thinks what advantage it will be to her before accepting someone’s request. After a while, her level of confident starts to build up along with streaks of competitiveness. She does everything with passion with a mind-set that the winner could be nobody but her alone. She hates to be defeated more than anything and doesn't enjoy competition. Having people stealing her supposed spotlights is just an embarrassing thing to happen! It was then she became a scary competitor to have – but a good spy and absolutely a daughter to be proud of by her parents.

Since she’s already becomes such a spoilt brat, it occurs to her that she literally gets everything she wants since very early age – toys, clothes, shirts…all but freedom of course. Danbi eventually sets her mind that everything she wants isn’t a request – it’s an order. Like it or not, when she wants something, she has to have it no matter what it will take. And anyway along with her charms and pretty smile, and perhaps some deathly stupid aegyo hidden underneath, she can receive all that she ever wants in her life. And remember, what belongs to her will remain her. Just go and try to steal it. If you could.

Another thing about her is also the fact that when she starts acting all spoilt-princess-like, she also stops listening to people’s orders. She can’t follow orders anymore and had a hard time cooperate with fellow co-workers. She craves her own path and no matter how hideous it may turn out, Danbi will still stick to her path. The only orders that she failed to disobey are the ones comes from her parents.

So if you ask me how the previously filial daughter Seo Danbi becomes proud, self-centered, stubborn and spoilt,


…..blame the students of Seoul High.


“Darling, why are you crying?”

Despite being a spy, Danbi is also undeniably spoilt and one of her must-have characteristic is overly sensitive. Danbi is easily touched and hurt by simple things that people usually doesn’t care but seems to be unaffected over big things that usually make people cries. She’s a spy and she’s strong – she knows that but when she feels like crying, she doesn’t hesitate. Sometimes she doesn’t even know why she cried – Eunkwang said it was an ‘unplanned’ sadness since Danbi basically didn’t allow to be crying when she was younger; because it was a sign of weakness. And her mother detested that more than anything. Myungsoo called her a ‘cry baby’ but secretly always been there to protect her from being one.


“Hey who put this thing here?? Yah, Seo Danbi!”

Being young and wild, Danbi also possesses a particularly normal characteristic: playfulness. She always has full energy that she almost appears to be jumping wherever she goes and best of all, no one seems to be able to get rid of that energy. She always seems to be laughing and teasing people until they get really red, but she never embarrassed them. She does it for fun, not to hurt someone. Often, she tends to hit people playfully and sometimes even pinching and slapping but if she ever thinks to bite that means she’s not in a mood to joke around anymore. Nonetheless to make things short, she’s never serious or pulls a tight face for a long time – even when she gets annoyed, it always heals quickly that sometimes it seems adorable. During missions, playful Danbi remains playful that it always gets worrying but the Boss has strong faith in her. “Trust me,” he had once said, “That girl’s playfulness would makes the missions seems so easy and at some point fun, but never a failure.



Background : 

Seo Danbi was born at Japan and brought to live in London when she was 5 years old. The purpose was to educate her with English cultures and language for the sake of her future.When she was 10, her parents brought her back to South Korea to enable her father to run for elections to be the President.

All her life, all that Danbi had ever heard was how important her father’s work, and how important her mother’s role as his wife, supporter and later, a CEO in her own company and things like that. She had heard what classes she had to take, the right manners she should show, how to eat, how to walk  – she learnt everything since very young, all, but about love. She was born in Japan, an interesting and wonderful country and raised up in London, a dream country of all – and a normal daughter would request to stroll everywhere in those countries, and have wonderful time full of loves showered by her parents. But Danbi couldn’t even speak to ask if her parents have any ‘free time’ for her. She gets every single thing she wants as long as it doesn’t involve her parents. Most people would get fed up by that but when Danbi grows up, she just thinks it’s very normal to receive things that she wants – I mean her parents doted on her, more like they just throw everything she wants but yeah.

Danbi has an older brother, 23 years old Seo Eunkwang who currently studying at Japan. They used to be close, very close since Eunkwang loves her to the depth of his heart and spoils on her using his own money – but that’s until he ran away from home. Eunkwang, just like Danbi had been trained and controlled like a puppet and was a strong heir for their mother’s company but he finally had it enough. He loves music a lot and he intends to live for it. Having such a tense family full with politics and scandals limited his dreams. And so with little money he saved secretly while being a street musician, Eunkwang ran away to Japan, and lived there, striving to achieve his ambition. Danbi was devastated when he did so, but recovered when he frequently calls her every week. They keep a good relationship till now.

Now the rebellion story.

When Danbi was 14-about-to-be-15, the stress had finally reached her head. She couldn’t do anything without having guards, she had classes all day long, she could only eat what she is allowed to – she just couldn’t accept it anymore. She sent a secret letter to Seoul High and was accepted in no time, even though she wasn’t actually at a legal age to enter a high school . Just by hearing the school’s name gave her parents headaches, especially when it was crucial time for her father at that time. So she made a pack with him. She would continue studying at Seoul High, but she would keep her reputation clean and her grades would be the highest among all – she would be the best student at Seoul High. She would also have at least half a day without any guards by her side – to which a lot of people protested and she defended by saying she would learn to use some weapons later. She made it clear either he followed her conditions or she would really rebel.

“It won’t be nice to see your filial daughter making a mess during your press conference now, right daddy?” She had said with a broad smile.

Aside from her dagger-skills that she got from some serious training later, Danbi has learnt acrobatic from very young age, when kids like her learnt ballet.

Next, let’s move on to her dark secret.

Danbi might be officially rebelled when she was 15, but it had started a year earlier. She found out the maids and her bodyguards were easily manipulated by her words and gestures that it dawned on her that she had the ability to manipulate. At the very young age of 14, she learnt how to be a con artist, starting by using her tears, and later bright smile until all she really needs to do is just eloquently create something up and they’ll practically hand their own wallet to her! True it was impossible for her to be a con artist at that age but she didn’t work with any organisations and she was pretty much messed up in the head. And people do unthinkable thing when they’re messed up. She was very unstable at that moment, and couldn’t judge her own actions that everything seemed right to her. She received their money and then threw it away to some homeless people by the roadside, simply because it was an ‘easier’ way to get rid of them. And at that time, never once she felt guilty for doing that.

When she was 16, the Boss eventually reveled her existence and requited her immediately.


Now : 


Being a naturally playful and full of spirit girl, Danbi was very thrill for the idea of being a spy. It’s still a wonder how she manages to shut till now but she did. Her life still moves at its same boring state, except that it isn’t that boring now that she gets missions every so often – and becomes the Student Council President. Thanks to her pact with her father three years ago, Danbi is able to do her missions without her guards trailing around.

Just like what she had promised her father, she eventually learns to attack with a dagger and other short-range weapons, but is the master at dagger. The acrobatics that she learns is also being used in her missions – she’s small, flexible and agile – it’s very easy to move around impossible cracks with that skills.

Since Danbi has to hide her real identity a double time more securely compare to the others because of her status as The President’s daughter. Danbi wears a lot of disguises, mostly masks and heavy makeups while on missions that she’s hardly recognized by people. She also puts more efforts in trying to appear more elegant and feminine on daily life and especially in front of the public. But she does have problem hiding her spy’s reflexes on daily life. Her love interest almost breaks his arm when she twisted his arms aggressively, thinking he’s an enemy. She’s over-careful with him afterwards, more like avoiding in fear she hurts him or worse, he finds put her real identity, that it makes the love interest irritated.


How and why she got chosen as a secret agent : 

The day Seo Danbi is chosen to be the Spy is heavily remembered by he, Lee Byunghun, literally saved her from her dark, conning time. Around 16, Danbi practically already becomes a successful con-artist that even a few organisations had taken interest in. Keeping a low profile on that dark activity, Danbi declined all offers and continued to pretend like nothing had happened. But then someone did find out. And it was the Boss himself, Lee Byunghun.

It was the time when Danbi’s father had just won the election and became the President of South Korea – and an assassination attempt had already occurred. Lee Byunghun himself was sent to investigate the assassin and by a slight mistake, he found out the daughter’s little secret. After the case had been resolved, he continued spying over the girl and watched her moves – he even watched all her skills; the agility, the skill and grace when she ‘dances’ with her dagger and most of all, her outstanding acrobatic skills. He eventually told his father about her and after a few more researches and indirect ‘tests’, she is offered to be a part of the F.H.A’s family for her remarkable skills – and to save her from the dark path.




*her main obsessions are her lolita dresses and piropiro.

*her dagger. the most precious thing she ever had.

*her male ferret, named Channie.


*lolita dresses

*ordering people around -- yes she likes that, what you have objections??

*strawberry milk. ONLY strawberry. She's very picky over her milk.

*favourite season: spring

*favourite flower: purple lilac

*favourite animal: ferret. DEFINITELY ferret.

*favourite fairy tale: The Little Mermaid (the original version)

*favourite drink: strawberry milk

*favourite food: yoghurt.


Dislikes : 

*cheshire cat. It seems sort of scary, now that she knows how it looks like.

*long-range weapons. She seems to have a slight problem with her eyesight, and she enjoys having to see people directly.

*wedding. She meets so many 'suitors' or whatever ypu call it these days that she gets sick of it. To be honest she hates the love interest too, but you'll see later.

*being called with various nicknames. And the funny thing is she does have a lot of them.

*when people takes advantage of her. She looks sweet, acts sweetly...so people tends to do this a lot to her.

*crying. Only because she cries a lot.

*ghosts. Enough said.


Hobbies : 


*playing with her daggers

*listening to music - live musics, like piano or violin or guitar. She just love it. It's romantic.

*reading sad fairytales. 

*making a 'tour'. the place doesn't matter -- it could be the school, the town, or even her own house.


Habits :

*when she feels bothered - she'll sit down on the ground with one knee under her chin and her arms wrap around her body tightly. 

*when she's sad - Well. She cried. Like seriously loud. But when she intends to hide ot, she'll walk around without direction and crouch down. She'll pat her head while muttering, "It's okay, it's okay." numerous times until she finally cries.

*when she's nervous - she pats her cheeks while blinking multiple times. If there's no one in sight, she'll jump around and keep fanning herself. This goes for a long time until she is exhausted.

*when she's in mischief - she'll smile -- no scratch that -- grins REALLY widely, thus earning her the 'Cheshire Cat' nickname.

*when she sulks - she taps her feet against the ground and puts on her earphones. She emits an aura that says, "You don't live in the same world as me. Go away." She'll say 'no' everything and won't look at you in the eyes. Note that it's hard to persuade her once she's sulk.

*when she's happy ( about 99.9 percent a day ) - wiggle here, dancing silently there, humming sweetly then, being talkative all say long -- these are the highlight of her habits. She just so happy.

*when she's mad -- she takes out her dagger. Well. sometimes. don't kid around with a ball of sunshine like her because when she's mad, that sunshine burns you.

*when she's annoyed - "Ah, don't know, don't talk to me!" she says that. When she's annoyed, it usually combines with sulking.

*when she wants something, she'll point to it while saying, "I want thattt~~~" cutely. (it's involves her manipulating techniques.)


Trivia :

*Danbi is the President's only daughter, and since her brother went 'missing', she's also the only heiress to her mother's company.

*Danbi falls in love quickly, but usually it doesn't last long.

*When she's not in working mood, Danbi shows her emotion easily. One look at her face, and you can know exactly what she's feeling.

*Also when she's not in working mood, Danbi speaks her mind. "Oppa," she would say while flashing the sweetest smile, "This is not entertaining at all."

*She puts a sign that said, "DO NOT DISTURB ME" outside her room -- just for fun. Not like anyone will enter her room. 

*Danbi believes in wishing upon a star. That's why she always goes stargazing, just in case there is a shooting star. She also believes that every time a there's a shooting star, a human is born.

*Her favourite flower, the purple lilac brings the meaning of 'being attracted at the first sight'. It's has connection with her first love, of course.

*Now this is a secret, but no matter how much Danbi hated her love interest, Myungsoo, he's actually her first love. Like a helplessly romantic girl, Danbi who is saved by the saviour, the prince, Kim Myungsoo, fell in love with him almost immediately when she was 14 and it lasts until now. When they met again at the school however, Danbi couldn't bring herself to show her emotions because the girls and boys at Seoul High practically always go at each other's necks. She forced herself to hate him afterwards but fails.

*Danbi loves her ferret to death. And her ferret loves her to death too. It would glare at any men that dare come close to its master. Such as Myungsoo. And it irritatesMyungsoo somehow, to see the ferret kisses Danbi's cheeks and follows her around.

*Danbi tends to try various disguises to use during her missions. She joins the school's theater club to avoid suspicions since she'll have excuse to buy a lot of weird costumes -- with the club's name behind it.

*Danbi hates Myungsoo most of the time, but she absolutely loves it when he acts like a Prince. On her playful days, she had once said "Since you're prince charming, can I be the Princess of Hearts? Then, I can steal your heart!" to Myungsoo while smiling, receiving a "Can I steal your lips then?" as a reply. Danbi stucks her tongue out and walks away, pouting, unaware of the sudden blush that the boy possesses afterwards.

*Acrobatics aren't just a hobby or spy technique to Danbi. It's her passion. She thought a world about it.

*Danbi is easily scared by anything and everything. Shoves a spatula in her face and she'll squeal.. Once she's scared, she'll hug the closest people to her.

*If Danbi eats too much,she becomes sleepy.

*Danbi walks in a really,really, really slow speed that it irritates a lot of people.

*When Danbi is tired, she just falls asleep regardless of the place and time.

*Danbi likes to squeeze the juice out of strawberries and drink them. She says it makes she feels like a vampire.


Spy Speciality : 

*Manipulating - Danbi has natural talent in it. Her manipulative instinct is what shaped her up; it's what differentiate her from the other spies. She doesn't seduces men like some of the other spies, she just twists their minds, which are actually far more fatal. Playing with people's minds can be deathly -- you can never expect what they'll do. But Danbi seems to know what to expect. She manipulates with a self-put-on limits, just enough from making them crazy. And yes. It can go that far. Since Danbi manipulates, she receives a lot of informations in return and has some 'connections'. It was then she's clarified as F.H.A's official scout, the one who investigate before an act is taken.

*Acrobatics - Having learnt it since very young, Danbi's flexibility is no joke. Her movements are light and swift -- it almost seems like she is dancing when she's just walking. Together with her small size, Danbi's beclmes the dark horse who goes through narrow, dark creaks amd solves things there. When she fights, her acrobatics skills come in handy. She can avoids most attack and climbs up almost everything or sliding under anything on her way. It's a perfect combinations of the graceful and silence of a snake and yet as strong and aggresives as a tiger.

*Agility - Since she's quite small compare to the others, she is able to duck and moves really quickly, hence, making her a dangerous girl once she holds her dagger. She has a good level and controlling of speed, balance, strength, reflexes and coordination -- all thanks to her acrobatics skill.


Weakness : 

*Cooperating - Most spies work alone. But there are several times where they need to do things together. And apparently the rebelling young blood Danbi fails to cooperate well. She seems to has lost her ability to follow orders and can't just help being ahead of others. Lee Byunghun had tried sending her on a few group's missions and though it did not fail thanks to the other spies, it almost did.

*Logic and rational thinking -Danbi is impulsive, sometimes she just did things without much thoughts. In fact it seems like she had not given it any thought at all. It almost like she acts on reflexes, by what she thinks is right and had to be done -- afterall it has always be her way.

Strength : 

*Disguise - Althought it seems unclear, Danbi has an absolute liking towards costumes and bizzare outfits. Plus she's in theater club and purposely puts herself in charge of the customes. She tries a lot of costumes everyday and makes a few 'tests' to it.

*Danbi learns eight languages since child, so she can communicate in various languages.

*Danbi has the ability to absorb something quickly or in a sentence, a quick learner. Eventually it becomes developed; now she doesn't only can absorb something quickly, she can practically copies any action on the first sight.




Family members: 

Father | Seo Minam | 40 | The current President of South Korea | Minam and Danbi has somewhat awkward interaction. She doesn't see him often and when she did, it's always about her having to do this and that or her asking for more money. He actually loves her a lot but as the President, her daughter had to be put aside. He can be seen doted on her a lot and never complains when she asks a bit too much pocket money that day.

Mother | Seo Nayoung | 38 | The CEO of a well-known communicating-devices company, named Locket Group. | Danbi is afraid of her. She just did, even though there's no obvious reasons. Nayoung is very strict; she doesn't wants to know what Danbi had achieve and how good she was at a particular thing -- she wants to know what her plans to achieve a better things in the future and be good at something else in the future. Danbi doesn't gets along with her -- she just listenes to her orders and disappears from her sight. 

Brother | Seo Eunkwang | 23 years old | A cafe's pianist, A Student | Eunkwang and Danbi are very close. Eunkwang treats her well and spoilt her that when they're together, they look like a lover instead of siblings. Eunkwang adored everything that Danbi possesses and often says that he wants to marry a girl like her. Danbi is possesive over her brother. She's aware that one day her brother will marry someone else, but she can't help being jealous just by thinking he'll treat another girl well like he did to her. 

Rival : 

Yoo Youngjae | 18 | Student of Seoul High, former Student Council President | Seoul High used to be a two different schools, an All-Girls Seoul High and All-Boys Seoul High, but the principals decided to mash them into one big school. After all the two schools are just located right next to each other. Yoo Youngjae, the mischievous brain of the school, the one who is full with sarcasm and wit absolutely hates her for taking the President position away after the school had been united. He always tries to defeat her and remember, Danbi does not enjoy competitions. They have this whole sworn enemies relationship that surround them.








love interest

Name: Kim Myungsoo / L

Age: 19 years old

Occupation : Seoul High's student, A musician, The 'Acting President' (which means he's not officially a part of the company but holds some responsiblity to attract their clients with genius paperwork and fluent presentations) of Jeguk Group -- his parent's company.

Personality Traits :

+ Charming + Mysterious + Slight Playboy + Possessive + Bratty + Insensitive

Personality : 

Kim Myungsoo is, in a word, a prince. The Charming Prince of all with his perfect visual and mysterious aura that crept by his side—he’s pretty much being craved by almost all women. Let’s start off with the charming thing now should we? Myungsoo is very handsome – he looks like a freaking doll. He has flawless skin, sharp jaw, everything is perfect. He has soft dark hair – as dark as the night – that looks so soft to touch and the most enchanting smile a person could give. He excels in sports and studies but always lays low and keeps his grades average. And music. Music. Myungsoo is a natural born musician – he plays guitars and pianos well. He has such a lilting voice that pulls you into his world, so sweet and peaceful that it makes you want for more.

And then the mysteriousness seeped in.

Myungsoo is very popular because of his pretty boy looks but females never really flock around him since he has this intimidating aura. His gazes are always so empty that it becomes scary. He is unpredictable and has a constant change of moods, very close to being unstable. Sometimes Danbi fears his presence; it almost seems like he’ll hurt her anytime soon. Most of Myungsoo’s choices of words annoyed Danbi, but there are a few words that scared her. Here I’ll give you a clue.

“You smell so sweet Seo Danbi, that I feel like eating you alive. I’d sharpened a knife yesterday and now it’s in this bag around my neck. I really wonder how sweet your flesh could be, Danbi.”


Just like Danbi, Myungsoo is a spoiled brat. With his pretty face and breath-taking smile, he can easily get everything that he ever wanted. Besides, he comes from a quite wealthy family. But the problem is Myungsoo wants weird, absurd, unimaginable things. He wants things that he can’t easily get and for now, it’s Seo Danbi. Previously he had wanted to drink blood like a vampire but luckily we all got that under control. Luckily he has a few brothers who’ll likely to give a knock on the head to get rid of the maknae’s ridiculous wishes.


Myungsoo is also very insensitive. He’s ignorant and oblivious at times too. He can’t read people’s emotions and can’t read a hidden hint when it’s being laid out for him to see. Because of this he doesn’t really care about anything, not even himself – and that’s pretty much explains his messy hair every time he wakes up from a deep sleep at school. He mostly doesn’t know a girl’s heart. That’s why his love for Danbi often goes too extreme till the point that it frightens her. He never has a relationship with a girl before, mostly because he has some particular taste in girls, but apparently Seo Danbi falls in that category.


Myungsoo is usually uninterested in girls, but he does flirts with them for some stupid reasons. Perhaps it’s because he lives in a family without females – deceased mother, no sisters – that he pretty much enjoys being in the presence of girls. There are some girls that are brave enough to go talk to him and receive warm, sweet, insincere smile in return but who cares? They’re just really crazy about him. And he treats them well – like any playboy would but he would ditch them in a heartbeat just to see Seo Danbi skipping happily along a corridor.


Lastly, we have a possessive Kim Myungsoo. You pretty much had guessed this based on his spoilt personality, but Myungsoo hates sharing. Especially when it involves a person that he loves. When Myungsoo had first fallen for Danbi, he makes sure no one else can capture her attention – by stays close to her side every single second of every minute of course! When any of his belongings gets stolen, he goes mad. So don’t try to do anything stupid with his things. Just don’t.


How they met ? :

Danbi and Myungsoo met around a year before Danbi entered Seoul High, when she’s 14 and Myungsoo’s 15. It was one of the nights when she felt too suffocated living in her house – so suffocated that she simply must just ran away. And so she did. But then it started to rain heavily and without knowing, Danbi made her way to one of the scariest abandoned mansions in Seoul. Just as she’s about to leave, she bumped into a gang of bad guys who stared down her dress in a weird manner. Danbi didn’t bring her dagger with her, and she simply couldn’t do acrobatics in a Lolita dress unless she wanted to reveal anything and so she did the only thing she could – run inside the mansion. Apparently it worked, since the bad guys gave one look at the mansion and scuttled away like a scared spider. And then she was left alone. Or so what she thought.

Danbi was never afraid of the thunderstorm or lightning, but it spooked her that night. She couldn’t help thinking there were some ghosts ready to strangle her to death and tried to switch on the light in the mansion. It worked for a while but then the electricity had been cut off due to the rain. As she was ‘hiding’ in one of the corner of the mansion, eyes and ears covered with trembled hands, the door creaked open. Then she cried; her soft whine and sobs echoed through the mansion along with the angry thunderstorm. Danbi was close to break down completely – her makeup smeared and all, and that was when the Prince had arrived. He wrapped his arms around Danbi’s small cold body and whispered teasingly,

“What is a lost kitty cat doing here?”

It turned out Myungsoo was very unstable that night too – he had been beaten terribly by his father after he cut off the engagement with a girl of the same status because she wasn’t his ‘type’. She was hardworking and dependable; she could lead a whole company alone but seemed like Myungsoo didn’t want a future wife like that. And so he cut the engagement and ran away from home to his secret hideout: The abandoned mansion. And then he met a fragile, crying girl – dressed in Lolita dress and all and ta-dah! He found his so-called ‘type’.


Interaction : 


That’s probably the first word that crossed your mind when you even just thinking about those two heirs being united. Look again, and you’ll find their incompatibility cute.

Myungsoo has always shown a deep, obsessive and sometimes aggressive feeling towards Danbi and follows her around whenever he could, mostly at school. He follows her around after school too, but usually stops when she gets really irritated – it seems like he respects her privacy. He doesn’t care about the fact that the girls and boys at their school despised each other. He likes to a lot and always stick around whenever she’s in trouble or needs someone to talk too. He finds her selfishness, self-centeredness and jealously cute and especially likes it when she’s annoyed. She looks the prettiest when she’s annoyed, or so what he thinks.

Danbi has liked him since she’s 14, but is unable to show it when she entered the school due to the war-status between the girls and boys in the school. Being the Student Council President, it makes things far more complicated. Danbi always being seen sticking her tongue out, nagging at Myungsoo and sometimes even hitting him for following him around. Myungsoo said she’s just nervous, and the truth is she really is. She can’t think straight when he’s around and feels very jealous whenever the girls give him presents. Danbi walks to a lot of places a day and she walks very slowly too that people usually won’t walk with her. But Myungsoo is always there. Sometimes she likes having him around – he protects her a lot, listens to her endless nags and never talks back when she’s mad. It’s like he totally takes control over her heart. Secretly though, Danbi wishes he will follow her around forever.

In the end their interaction is kinda weird. One who follows the girl around and guards her. And one who likes it when the boy pays his fullest attention to her and her only.


Plot story : 

Along the story, Myungsoo’s excellent grades, active and well-known participations in sports, outstanding talent in music, his social status, clean record and especially his recent achievement in getting a big project for his parent’s company finally reached to the Nayoung’s ears. She decides that with Danbi’s age, it’s a must for her to already have a fiancée. Through a short, thoughtless discussion and big preparation, Danbi is engaged to Myungsoo is no time. In order to appear good in front of media, Myungsoo is told to stick to her for now, like he hasn’t been doing that all these time. They definitely look like a dream couple then, but there’s a small problem. Myungsoo can’t always be with Danbi. He has reasons to meet her anytime that Danbi starts to worry. She has to postpone a few of discussions with her co-workers because he doesn’t want to leave her alone.

Myungsoo teases her like always and talks in his typical weird ways, but he starts to question the ‘part-time work’ that Danbi does and how she gets the scars and bruised all over her body. He wonders why Danbi practises a lot with her dagger and buys too many costumes a day. It irritates him how Danbi always has to go somewhere when he asks her out and he’s even thinking to follow her secretly. Patiently, carefully, Danbi answers all his question but she can’t help wondering,

“What if he finds out one day?”

“What if I gets too injured in a mission?”

“What if he gets injured because of me?”


Back-up love interest : Jung Daehyun

pretty face

Face claim : Seo Jihye

Links : Seo Jihye

Back-up face claim : Kang Jiwon

Links : Kang Jiwon

Height : 158cm

Weight : 47kg

Style : 

As any typical type of ‘princess’, Danbi loves fashion to its fullest, and the most fashion that she likes is the Lolita fashion. She’s always been seen wearing one; heck, even her school uniform sometimes secretly being sewn with small Lolita streaks. She has been attracted to it since a very long time ago and always ordered the clothes either online or gets anyone to go to Japan to buy it for her. She has tons of them from various styles too! Apparently Danbi likes those elegant, princess-like dresses but would sometimes wear ‘normal clothes’ just for fun.

She also wears high pumps, headbands or bonnet.

Also, Danbi has intense liking towards costumes and she loves cosplays. She's often being seen wearing colourful costumes and weird cosplays.

Nonetheless, most of Danbi's clothes have at least an element of Lolita embedded in them.

Most Lolita-girls dresses up perfectly no matter where she goes, or even when she does not goes anywhere and Danbi is not an exception.


Links : 

Home - Danbi seems to choose a weird outfit when she's at home. She usually wears a Lolita-styled outfit known as 'boy Lolita' while at home. So yes. This young fashionista dresses to her fullest when she's at home too. 1 2 3 4 5

Casual - 1 2 3 4 5

Formal - 1 2 3 4 5

Date - 1 2 3 4 5

Mission - 1 2


Username : Star_Juice

Nickname : You can call me Juice /wink  xD

Activeness : Around 9? But I have important exam this year so yeah~

Comments : 

I love the idea of this story! ^^ I just hope you won't abandon it or I'll lost my tust to apply-fic forever lol xD. So about her weight, you mentioned make her healthy so I just put on similar weight and height as mine since my BMI is pretty normal~

You also said that you want older characters but I noticed most of the applicants are 20-something, so I put her age as 18, so that you'll have a spy that is still in high school~

Also, English isn't my first language, but I do try to keep my grammar neat so bear with me ~~

Oh and in case you get confused, it's true that the boys and girls at Seoul High are pretty much enemies, but there are always one of two students that the opposite genders don't mind having them around. Like Kim Myungsoo.


Scene Request : 

+I mentioned the engagement thing in the 'plot' so maybe you can write that?? I'll love to read that scene! ^^

+Funny scenes between Danbi and the rest of the girls while on missions.

+A scene when Danbi passes out during her shool's Sports Day after convincing everybody that she is perfectly fine. She's actually injured due to the mission on the previous day and Myungsoo saves her from falling straight into a swimming pool (one of the tracks during the marathon or something)

+Danbi intentionally stares at Yoo Youngjae who dresses up as a Prince in an audition for the theater club's upcoming drama. The reason? He looks so handsome! She actually goes to him and smile sweetly -- with all the confident that she has, making the boy slightly blushes. And of course, Kim Myungsoo comes in later with his own Prince Charming costume, 'stealing' Danbi from Youngjae in a blink of an eye. ^^

Anything ?:  

Good luck! And I LOVE THE IDEA! <3




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