Children and Adults, you will forever be in our hearts.


So, now it's my turn to blog about this I guess.


For me, ignorant it bliss. Something which I hate and something I cannot afford.



To those who died in the ferry, I've been horrible. Hearing about it more or less just a few hours after the ferry started turning, I couldn't believe what I read. It have BBC news on my phone so it rings when a new story comes up. This one was most hear breaking for me.

Till today, I found myself unable to speak about it. I followed up on every report but couldn't do anything. I didn't write my feelings, I didn't mention it. Why? It was too much for me. I think I did die a bit inside when I heard about it. I can say that the UK is very much affected by it as well. We pray to those families who have lost one or more people on that ferry.



Not only was I saddened, I found myself fuming with anger. How? Why? Those were children out there! CHILDREN! Younger than me... Just... ing younger than me...

They had their whole lives in front of them. Their parents never go to see then marry, have kids  and grow old. Some of them not even able to give them a proper send away. So why? Why, tell me why? They were so young. They were our future and now, they are no more.



Children are our future. I truely believe that. One thing i have drilled into my head it that if I were to save either myself or a child, I'll pick the child a thousand times over. I've done my fair share of living. 16 years might not be long but it's longer than most of them on that boat. I can safely say the captain of 69 has definitely lived more than enough to give it up for those children.



I'm getting mean. I should stop. I wish for no one to kill themselves. Especially those who have survived. In a way, those children trapped have given their lives up to save YOU. Don't now kill yourself after being saved. You're just throwing it back in their faces. Stay strong, no matter how old you are. Not matter who you are. You'll just waste the lives of those children, killing yourself.



I'm forgiving so I won't blame anyone. Not even the captain. Blaming another might be easy on our half but it will just lead to harder problems.

Please, just find the lost children still stranded under. Take them back to the land and in the arms of their loved ones. Give them a proper burial and for one last time, let the families say they love them one last time.



Bring them home.





To you, our loves.


You might be gone but you are definitely not forgotten. We pray for you. Lead us to you for we are having difficulties finding you. We will bring you home so that you can finally rest in peace.

Keep calm for we will find you.

From your parents who still has this to say:


Good night my loves.


Yours sincerely,






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