my last project before I'm off.

Park Eungyeol 

History (music all over the world) period 1

Music in Singapore and Guinea

4/26/2014 (Its the 26th donwn in Korea) 


This is about the different style of music in Singapore and Guinea…

In Guinea they have a different style of Music that is being played there, than in America… Different instruments that are being used in Guinea than in Singapore, different wide range of music.

In Singapore they are actually quite exposed to quite a wide range of music. In fact the most popular music genre in Singapore should be English pop as well as Mandarin Pop.  Apart from these, there are also classical radio stations. Besides, Korean and Japanese songs can be heard on the radio as well. 

But the lack of historical information makes the history of music in Singapore an issue that is hard to understand, let alone debate, Yet the music of Singapore is indeed  reflective of our Multi cultural society, with the west an undoubtedly obvious influence as shown to our way to the future. Apart from what is above…


While in Guinea you can hear the sound of the forests through the instruments made with real natural materials coming from the exuberant jungles of Guinea. The greatest variety is found in the percussion in music. For example, in the wooden drums, or all the instruments made of wood with leather;  but also in the canes that are put together or in magic xylophones made of wood and strings, that offer however a metallic sound. In addition the sanza or the piano made of bamboo tongues, the harp of ligatures and zither are especially reprehensive.

Although in the radios and clubs of guinea only about five artist hit it big in Guinea, each releasing one track and the one track they make is on every single persons cell phone, dj lineup at the clubs. The songs all sound the same, with the same two step beat, lyrics you that are in fact meaningless lyrics which are often in English and auto tuned.

As of the rest of Africa, music and dance form part of daily life, of culture closet to the people, of games of the children and of any festival or ritual. The wealth ethnic groups and culture of Guinea causes the country to reflect exactly the same wealth and variety in the diversity of its cultural expressions, especially in the aspect of music.  



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