SHINee Girl.

okay. so its like one minute until midnight and i'm pretty much still awake. although i feel really exhausted and drained out from school the whole morning until afternoon, i'm pretty sure i would be wide awake once i reach home.

FML. seriously.

I'm running out of ideas and I'm hearing all the SHINee songs that is in my mp3 to give me ideas. God, why you do this to me? actually, its more like why am i doing this to myself. gyahh.

okayokay. whenever i type out the story, i feel like giving up on it.

yes, i'm saying truthfully. because i'm running out of ideas and have nowhere to link it to anyways.

>.< anyways, SuperJunior came down to Singapore last friday and BFF went there. I mean, she bought tickets for both days. the tickets was pricey and she actually ask me if I would like to buy one so I could go with her. But I have no money. pfft~! great. she spammed my home page on FB on the shows.

I'm proud of her, really. She got to hold hands with Kyukhun, her 'hubby' and they even fought for her lightstick on a quiet corner while the crowds were being entertained by the rest of the members. LOLS. Kyuopta !

Then there was a fancam of Kyukhun holding a pillow. and guess what. that pillow was from her. She made it herself, a picture of him and a good luck message. He was like holding the pillow throughout the whole concert. when he greated the fans, he put the pillow under his arm and greet his fans. I watched the fancam and was proud of her. seriously.

Imagine giving an idol a pillow? I think if I were to give SHINee pillows each, do you think they will accept it ? haha. the thought of it sounds funny.

anyways, getting back to my story. argh. need ideas. refreshing my mind content like hell. hmm.


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@ASiANxALLixKiTTY<br />
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haha. yes. im proud of her. we share 11 years of friendship and still going strong although we are attending different schools. I love her like my own sister. haha ! thanks for reading !
awww, tht's so sweet!! >w< congrats to her(: