"Update Soon." Or How We Demand From No Supply.

Hello, I'm Narus60. I've been a writer here for a year and a half. 


When I first started I came in with the intention of writing what I felt could become a good "TaeNy" centric story. Since then I've moved on to become one of the more minor writers within my pairings. 


Maybe you've read some of my work or maybe you haven't, it's not particularly relevant to this. 


What I want to talk about is a few things, mainly one point though, one that I feel I'd like to talk about. 



"Update Soon." 


Whether you're a writer, reader, commenter here you have likely seen this somewhere. A lot of writers have addressed this before, all to varying degrees of success. As much as I would like to address those who make these comments that's not my intention, Instead I want to address the writers. 


I'm relatively small here, I currently sit at 655 subs and thousands of views. That sounds large to anyone with less and regardless my sub or view count doesn't particularly matter, I just want to give perspective on who I am and why I'm talking about this. 


In the time I've been here I'd like to say I've seen my fair share of things and I know many others have seen much more. But even being here a small time anyone can see this issue. 


"Update Soon." Is a comment we've seen written everywhere. How quick or slow the writer is to update it hardly seems to matter, this comment will eventually show up. 


Asking for updates. Why? I think that in a community ran purely by community the community likes to run itself by one law, but it's a law in which doesn't work for the simplest of reasons. 


Supply and Demand. For those who don't know the term it's the common rule of economy, it's how the world today is ran in every product based facet of our lives. The Supply and the demand mean two things, the supply is the product and how much of it, the demand is the consumer buying or using this product. 


Supply and demand fits here so well mostly because it shouldn't. 


I'd like to apply "Supply" to every fic on this website, that is the supply and hence the supply comes a "demand." The demand is readers, subscribers, commenters who wish for these fics. 


Now where this falls apart is where both writers and readers seem to lose track. 


The "Supply" isn't intended to meet a demand. 


I said I'd like to address the writers and I would. Each and every writer here, no matter how big or small makes this supply. and every reader makes the demand. What's wrong is simple. Writers feel they must meet a demand. 


I've read fics where a author will give up simply cause they pushed themselves too hard to meet a demand or felt that only the demands mattered, that only those two words "Update Soon" were ones worth thinking about. 


I can't say I'm qualified to say any of this. I can't say I'm right to say it either. This is purely my opinion. 


I may have bored you so let me get to my point. 



For every writer, every person that adds to this "Supply" know that the only demand you have to satisfy, the only person you owe is yourself. Words of discouragement should mean little, words of demand even less. 


I've met positive views, I've met negative, I've seen what I've seen and this is what I think of it. 


For all the "Update Soons" and all the negatives I've seen too many positives to care for those who'd demand. Some of my favourite writers here have read my work, more have read and enjoyed my work than I could have ever hoped for. Maybe I aim small, but whether you're a fledgling writer or you make featured stories with ease I hope that you write for yourself first and aim to only meet your demand. 


If you made it this far sorry if I've ranted or you've lost track. I'm Narus60 and this has been "Update Soon" Or How We Demand From No Supply


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