What the hell KBS


KK I have never really like KBS bc they banned soooo many song for the stupidest reasons
So I am glad Tht YG usually doesn't let his artists go on KBS bc YG and KBS like hate each other. Lol
I looked into why, and omg it was horrible. It all started in like 2009, and holy ...
But the part that really annoyed me is when they manipulated the scandals bigbang were in. So this was around 2012.
KBS reporters were interviewing ppl if bigbang was 'coming back too early' and majority of ppl said no. So KBS reporters told older ppl who didnt even know who bigbang is, just to say yes... Like lol wtf
And what really annoyed me is how the manipulated daesung's car accident.
They called him a "murderer" and they interviewed the family of the person who was in the accident. The family was of course still mourning and the reporters started to take advantage of the family's grief so they can say lies about daesung like he didn't pay, or attend the funeral, or send his respects.
KBS can do whatever they want and ban songs for whatever. But it is really unprofessional to let personal feelings get in the way and not let artists perform. KBS seems like a very bias program, like wtf -.-
But what really pissed me off is that you don't call someone a "murderer" and take advantage of a mourning family...


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I've actually always really hated KBS because of that. The situation with Daesung only fueled my hatred further towards them. It's also obvious the way they manipulate their charts in the music programs. I find it hard to believe that while YG artists are wining awards left and right from other programs, even if they don't perform, in Music Bank they aren't at least nominated. They're also extremely SM biased and have no shame in making it obvious.