Coming Out?

My mom keeps asking me if I'm gay. She doesn't ask bluntly, she constantly beats around the bush.

She brings up my ex-boyfriend and says things like "You just don't seem that interested in boys."

No mom. Cause I'm gay. 

Well I like boys and girls. Mostly girls. And I know this is clichè but I hate labeling myself as "gay". I just like nice people who are nice to look at lol.

And then she'll ask "Do you like boys?" and of course I say yes.

I don't feel like talking about it with her because I feel that it doesn't need to be discussed like it's out of the ordinary. A heteroual teen doesn't sit their parents down and say "I'm straight" and have a discussion about it. So why should homoual teens? It's not that big of a deal and frankly I just don't want to talk about it.

I've spent so many years in denial, hating myself for being who I am, and I'm done. 

I'm not "coming out". I'm just doing what I want.

I don't need to announce it.


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i agree 101% like seriously its not like you gather all your friends and family and say "guys i have something to say, im straight"
its not weird being biual cause i myself am one to and just like you i fall a little towards girls more as well