Block B Transformation


I was rewatching all Block B, BAP, EXO, Etc videos today
because I was super sick, and I noticed the huge transformation
of Block B


they started out all cute and squishy


than turned into some badass gorillas/ pirates



now with their new song Jackpot they turned into some scary Mutha in Clowns
who chase girls on bikes....


Hell No



He would have got punched in the face..


As much as I love Block B, This clown phase scares the outta me...
normally I want to be the girl in the music videos, but that girl can keep it..


Zico.. Baby Boo I love you, I really do... But I might punch you in the face if you chase after me, riding a bike while wearing a freaking clown mask...


Does anyone else have a fear of clowns?? because for as long as I can
remember I've hated those nasty bastards.. 





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I don't but I admit that the flows are EXTREMELY SCARY! BUT I LOVE BLOCK B!!!!!!!<3
*is chased by clowns riding bicycles*