Discrimination Rants


          Honestly this has always upsetted me. Discrimination. And I mean all kinds of discrimination. Whether it be towards ethnicity, religion, physical appareance, etc. Personally for me it's religion. Im Wiccan/Pagan. Im completely fine with telling people that im a 'witch' but some people take it too far. They go up to me like, "Oh...Don't curse me!" and "You know that stuff isn't real, right?" I really just want to tell them to stop. They have no reason to treat me like that. I know it doesn't seem like a big deal, but i'm sensitive to this stuff. Whenever they say stuff like that i just say, "Well it shouldnt matter to you, because its none of your ing business." ^^"  Also all the witch hunt history! Their reasoning aren't even fully detailed and well backed up! It was also a stupid thing to do. Nowadays when people think witch, they think of green skin, big noses, and ing flying broom sticks. I also hate the people who are always like, "Your gonna go to hell!" or "You devil!" but how I respond is saying stuff like "And? Why the do you care about where the hell im gonna go?"


          As for ethnicity, just because I'm Asian doesn't mean that I ing tiny eyes. Not all Asians have ing tiny eyes! Also discrimination towards all types of ethnic race is just ed up. WHY THE HELL SHOULD PEOPLE BE TREATED DIFFERENTLY? Then again I can't change the ed up society we live in. WHY THE HELL IS SOCIETY A ED UP LITTLE ?!


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I understand how you feel; sometimes I get frustrated at being stereotyped into a box just because I'm Asian. I think the problem is that people have this automatic reaction when they hear certain words and ideas, e.g. religions and ethnicities. It's great that there are so many different individuals and what everyone needs to do is to change their way of thinking to something more like: "great, I want to know more about these different groups" rather than "ew, something different". So next time someone judges you for being you, just know that everyone has probably experienced discrimination! By the way, I think those facts about you are awesome, and they are part of what makes you an individual.
Can you explain what your religion is about. What are your beliefs??
Discrimination is a horrible thing. There's nothing I hate more than being a Kpop-loving introvert in a rap-loving extrovert world. Because I don't know how to twerk or feel the need to say everything on my mind people think I'm shy. Damn you society.
fabulous91 #3
I definitely can feel you. Im gay. It's so damn hard to fit in society where most of them are homophobes. Especially when I also leave in asia
I understand how you feel since I also experienced first hand for all these years and in front of people being accused of being a racist even though I did not do anything at all to him. It's really hard and a sad fact that such people exist. Neither everyone nor anyone for that matter are always good or bad, naught or nice, and no easy solution could be showed in order to stop such action. But it would be better if we start with ourselves and don't do what others would do to us. It's a complicated strategy but I go by with that belief and it's self-satisfying knowing you knew where you stand, not everyone will understand, but being 1 out of 100 will always matter a huge difference. Let's just never lose hope to humanity, despite all of these... o^^o

Just keep smiling!
I've seen discrimination firsthand and it's awful. I'm sorry for that. I do have some reservations about certain things like religion myself, but I most definitely DO NOT mess with other people's religion because people always mess with mine and I dislike it. Sometimes I just want to tell people, "If you want to talk to people about their life decisions, be tactful or don't speak at all. If all you're going to say is things that YOU wouldn't want to hear, then please be quiet." I wish people knew this because all they do is make everyone else of their race/religion/etc. look bad.
This is reality. Humans hate on one another. They trample and hate on each other to make themselves feel powerful. Its a human thing. Everyone does it. In one way or another.
i don't think i've ever been discriminated even though i lived in different countries with different people who have different religions, nationalities etc. They, at least those i interacted with, are pretty open-minded so i'm not quite sure how it feels and it always is very interesting to read that there are still people like that in this world, i mean who discriminate others because of prejudices and so on.
In my opinion, you should ignore them because those kind of people just aren't worth it, they are either too weak and need to somehow feel strong by hurting other or they simply are idiots who don't know about the world. And i think if you ignore them they will soon get tired of acting the way they do towards you.
But it's also good to fight back so you're doing great:D
Dana_1004 #8
BTW I like more religion's!!!And i really like wiccans too:D
Dana_1004 #9
In whole my school and class mostly they are all racist...and i love kpop so things like ''you know they have tiny and tiny eyes'' are used on daily base..I am introvert so i hide my feelings inside and try to fight them off but it's very hard...Almost impossible...So high school is horror for me!They use worse comments and..it's pretty bad...You know i am christian...not like really really that i go to church everyday or week.(once a year)I want first after marriage...well and my whole class lose it already in 13-15 age...So i am only here.-.- which made them to make more fun of me...
I've been discriminated by my parents and family since I came out a lesbian.
TaiShanNiangNiang #11
Friend I met in jr high is a wiccan - white magic. So many people just don't get it. Yeah it that society as a whole is afraid of anything outside of their comfort zone.
My family's a mixed bag of different races, ethnic backgrounds, and religions - always hearing something new and stupid from others. I'm horribly shy, but I've learned to grow a backbone when it comes to defending my family - especially the younger ones.
Be strong, stay safe - peace!
kim_seul_young #12
i know how you feel. i am also a subject to discrimination from time to time because of my medical condition. i don't know why people think that way. but good for you for standing up to them!
Marshmallowfluffland #13
i don't know what that means but I'm just gonna agree with you