So..the North Korean dictator just died...

No, it's not good news, I heard hat they're announcing war againts the South Korea.

Is it true?

Oh please don't...

Not just because S.K is he country where my oppars are there but also, I just CAN'T STAND war! T.T

First the Iraq war now this?

I just can't...


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Please please please... It can't be true.. Tell me its not true.. Please.. The S.K and the N.K are both part from Korea.. they should stay as 1, 1 country, KOREA. Please... TT^TT I just can't stand wars... The bloods.. People that are innocent being killed... Damn. I hate when this happens.
blackorchid #2
It's so scary. At least with Kim Jong-Il we already knew how he reigned. How will the successor rule? Worse than the previous one? Will he be accepted or will there be an uproar within their ranks. Will there be a struggle for power or will a revolt and civil war rise?

Deep down I hope that there's going to be a struggle for power thus their governance would suffer. I'm sorry that their citizens have to get dragged through a mess for the world to have one less rogue state to think about. Sigh.
Palama #3
There's nothing yet about the war continuing, dear.
The two Koreas have been at war since 1953... and they just ceased fire and signed an armistice.
As of now, there's nothing.
All we have to do is pray and hope that there won't be any serious damage.