Be Yourself - Enough Said

Have you ever seen someone attractive in the magazines you read, on the tv or on ads when your walking around the streets? And you want to look like that: Perfect. But then you realise that you aren't when you look in the mirror.




Or have you ever seen a certain product that everyone has, and you don't have it? And when they ask you if you have one, you get all embarrassed and shy as you hastily change the subject. But after this comment, you'll go home and you'll tell your parents to buy it for you.




If you're anything like me, you have girl friends surrounding you. And the danger of hanging out with most girl friends is that they'll always talk about their favourite band to you (e.g One Direction, Justin Bieber). And once they start talking about this band (One Direction) it's like they'll never stop. And you're just sitting there confused and faking through it. In a indirect way, you are being pressured into liking this subject. So you pretend to like it, nodding your way through the conversation with a forced smile. All for the sake of not being left out.



(^me pretending to like healthy food^)







Well, you shouldn’t listen or pay attention to these complaints that are constantly trying to change the way who you are. Because whether you know it or not, all around you, there is something that will always the way you perceive yourself to be and some even might influence that image you have of yourself. From the media, your friends, parents, relatives alike are all apart of altering you in significant and insignificant ways.

You probably looking at this like:




But after reading this whole blog post you might be more supportive and confident of yourself. You might even learn to forget all the pressures of changing yourself.









I have noticed that you cannot learn anything from reading magazines because at the end of the day, you’ll either feel very insecure about yourself or you’ll feel motivated to exercise… and then feel unconfident the next day when you realise you are never going to exercise again.




But you have to remember that whatever you do you can’t make yourself grow taller, or make your face look anymore different than yesterday. And if you enjoy having plastic surgery, where they cut open your face and alter it by putting some plastic that btw can be broken if punched, be my guest.





So stop trying to be someone else, because that is not going to happen. Be content with who you are and work from there.






Take credit for yourself. Studies show that the only reason that you if you start saying and thinking positive thoughts about yourself, you become more confident in yourself. So every day, you should take time to say this:







Don’t listen to other people as well when they tell you that you are weird or you should stop liking something because it’s not “cool”. Just brush them off and say:





Because really, they aren’t the ones who will be experiencing when you are uncomfortable or not. So you shouldn’t do something you wouldn’t want to do. Because in the end, the person who will feeling the pain at the end of the result would be no one else but you.




And if it’s your friends who are directly say these things, then I guess you need to find new ones because trying to modify each other is not what the meaning of friend is.












Yes, the truth is ugly but at least it the only true thing.




Still don’t believe me?





Like the wise Ellen once said: “Being a teenager and figuring out who you are is hard enough without someone attacking you.”

So don’t make it hard for yourself and I leave you today with these words:





















                                                                                                                              -    J.M.







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