What is My REAL Age?

I've become really frustrated with people lately questioning me about my age.

Sometimes, people say I look older than my age.

I just turned 14 like in September.

People used to say I was mature, and then someone just comes along saying I look young for my age.

And now practically everyone says I looks like some little kid.

I hate it. (-_-)

I'd rather be mature young adult than some... child.

Is it because I still have baby fat?

Or my childish attitude?

But then again... HAHAHAHAHAHA.

At least I don't look like SOME OLD LIKE YOU BETCHHH!

I bet they're just jealous because I'm still young and bubbly, while they're turning into ugly old business ladies.

Talk to the hand cuz the face ain't listening gurl! -Stolen from Brian Joo



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curlyfriesLOL #1
Yulhoe #2
Youngsters Power 8)