let's talk about sungjong

you know, i feel bad for sungjong.

he's not my bias (and i don't think he will ever be) but i care for him because he's precious (like everyone is from infinite to me).

do you know his solo stage on this evolution plus thing 2 years ago?

i listened to the audio first and really it's eargasm!

but then i watched the real performance and i was shocked and only shocked. how could he do this without feeling stupid? sure, they're doing fanservice all the time but wasn't this too much?

i didn't want to watch it because sungjong doesn't have to wear girl clothes and dance girl dances to get attention.

sungjong is manly too and sometime i feel like he's one of the manliest in infinite. no joke. i mean this.

he's a boy and i don't want others to go to him, saying things like "You're gay.", "You're too girly.", "If you'd be a girl I'd like you even more." or things like this.

i love sungjong how he is because he's perfect like this. he has flaws but that imperfection is perfection in my eyes.

i truly love infinite (i'd never feel ashamed calling myself an inspirit). they are my number one. they will always be my number one.


and tbh, i believe sungjong is 9456885324567800000000000000% straight. he's a lot more straight than his team members xD right? *wiggles eyebrows*


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yolochinchins #1
idk when i watched that performance, i didn't feel like he was forced to do it because he's feminine. in my honest opinion, every time sungjong does dances like that or dresses as a girl, i feel like it's his choice 100%. to me, he isn't the type to be pushed around and he doesn't stand around and let himself get bullied or made fun of either. when he did that performance, i was actually really amazed. most girls can't dance like that or exude the same ual prowess that he did, it was such an amazing performance. if anything, it only made me 298437482 times more attracted to him lol. he did it on his own and he completely took charge of it and played both genders completely well and just killed it. that performance only further proved how talented he is and how even though he gets ridiculed for being feminine, he completely owns it and dominates no matter what he's doing *^* jongie is a force to reckon.

like, the whole thing was to gender people lol. because he had that really high slit outfit on, but he kept his short and styled up. he wasn't trying to look like a girl at all.
I love Jong so so much. He may be kind of feminine and such but I like it. It makes him gentler than a manly man and he knows how to treat a girl. His high voice balances out their songs and when he performs he had an amazing presence.

it's true he's like straighter than the rest of infinite combined. I see him with a girl more than the other tbh.