
Instead of updating my fic, here I am again, updating my blog lol *obviously aha. Don't mind me i just need to start this blog with something*

I actually have the plots up in my mind already but I have yet to find a way to put it all together. Actually I am in a huge dilemma deciding the next chapter. I mean it might be (or might not be) the turning point for certain characters. Otteke?!!!! Gah!

Well I don't know what else to write and my ipad is gonna go flat soon o.o Till the next time then. Ciao!

p/s: I will try to update today :3


Starridius <3


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nana4ever #1
Keep those creative juices flowing my dear. It's cool that you write your blog. ;)

Looking forward to reading the next chapter.

Ciao ciao