11 Facts you didnt know about me

Well I thought I would simply just post some facts about me maybe this would help you to get to know me.. :D


1. My name is Dajana Zecevic and I am from Serbia

2.My nickname is Dani, DeeDee, Daca, Jana (This nickname I actually hate it gives me memories of my ex bf)

3. I speak 5 languages: English, Italian, French, Serbian(my first launguae) and currently I am learning Japanese.

4.I love taking selca's of myself... I simply am interested in photography

5.I love KPOP

6. I have obssesion over BAP and other groups as well but mostly BAP

7.My ultimate bias is Zelo because he is just perfect in everything he do, from young age he practised hard to become what he is now. I love his LTE rap, he loves Eminem and deeply respects him he even loves the same song I love from Eminem. And because loves to folling around and been a dork but tha he changes into manly, y, handsome person and that makes me love him even more

8. I love to read and writing fan fictions its something that helps me to get over my depressed moments :)

9. I am alo scenario writer.

10. My best friends: t0tomato, Sanja, Dijana, ottokaji, Imma_WOLF88, yugifall...etc I love you girls until heaven. Thanks for making my life even better <333333

11. I am not tolerating someone who lies, who judges people with no reason. I hate alos people who are discrimanting international people just by the color of their skin. Seriously how pathetic you can be. I have short temper and sometimes when I blow up I simply take no responsibility of what am I saying but I am always sorry.




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vexatious #1
<3 OMG I'M YOUR BEST FRIEND? //le fans self

xoxo91 #2
omg, so cool! you can speak 5 languages, do you learn it autodidact?