New Fanfic Conflict and Happy Luhan Day!

New fanfic conflict :-( I was planning to make a fanfic based on 'Brothers Conflict' but, after watching 'Diabolik Lovers' (gonna watch ep 7 this evening :-D) I wanted to make a fic based on that anime show. It's a show about vampires and I freaking love Ayato and Subaru ♥ Hee :3

I'm still thinking of what fic to make based on these two anime show. I'll maybe try to make my decision next week. By that I mean tomorrow untill friday. I'll try to make the new fic interesting. Anyways,

Happy Birthday Luhan ♥ ilysm. Thank you for existing and I thank your parents for raising such a great son like you ♥ Bye ♥


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