Living with Abuela part 2

My life is a drama. Apparently a 23 ur old woman such as myself, still needs to be enlightened on the birds and the bees....
My grandmother loves to talk about my grandfather and the good old days. I don't mind that. She has altztimers and dementia so the old days are good. To bad for me, those old times include how she and grandpa skinny dipped in Texas, had in the back if cars, and all of this in graphic detail.
I also know exactly how all four of her daughters were made and this also is in detail to the point where I have heard it so much I can tell the story myself. Now in the future I will cherish these memories according to my family. But I highly doubt I will cherish the memory of my grandparents having .



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Omg XD wowww
haleeann #2
Don't worry, I know how and where my neighbor's kids were concieved as well.... the lovely mental images
Gyaaaa #3
I don't know to laughing at you or to pity you.. But this is hilarious you know.. XD

And i think they are right, you will cherish this memories someday... Not about how your grandparents had , maybe, but how your grandmother told you her stories on i guess almost daily basis... XD