❀Cherrie❀ Interviews - Judar -


c h e r r i e 
Annyeong haseyo/Kon~nichiwa, Cherrie's Fast Beat Pikachu Judar imnida/dechuuu~~ I'm in charge of rap and of course, being kawaiii~~~ Peace sign!
Ice Cream
Leeteuk ft Joo
Let's see 
Who you are
[1] There has been many many successful groups JYP has debuted. How do you feel about this? Do you feel burdened by the fact you have to be better than your sunbaes or be just as successful as them? 
"Ah no! Not at all! In fact, I make it as my goal...or our goal hehe. It is going to be hard to be as successful as them even at being better than our senpai- I mean sunbaes! We've just debuted and it's going to take lots and lots of journeys to be as better as them. It'll take a full hard work and coorperation with each other to be above our sunbaes. But all of us are miracle workers! I know we're going to reach the top with us together, Cherrie will be as famous as the Beatles and X Japan. But we will be known as Cherrie because we are Cherrie!"
[2] What was your first reaction when you found out you were to debut with 'cherrie'? 
"I was positive that I almost fainted but I didn't! I just screamed out of joy. The first thing that I do is to call my family. My imouto- I mean dongsaeng, Mikasa, was overjoyed by the news and so was my obaa- I mean, grandmother. I think I talked in nihonggo a lot and I've been on the phone for a looooong time. I was in a state of joy that I laugh all the time! People think I'm a bit cray cray but hey who cares?! I am happy!"
[3] You are to debut with a cute concept from what JYP says, does this burden you? Or would you rather have a cute concept rather than a y or strong one?
"Eetoo...honestly I'd rather to have a strong concept. Don't get me wrong! I love the cute concept but I am more fitting to the strong ones. I'm not y at all but I give that rocker feeling you know. Guitar is the saviour of my life and strong concept has been with since then. But I don't mind cute concept...nevermind that, I'm okay with all concept but I like strong concept more! And I have a sliiiiiiiiight problem...I have no rap lines.../pouts/"
[4] Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Solo activities? Acting? Who is your role model? Is that person someone you've looked up to since childhood?
"10 years after debut? Hmmm, honestly I want to go back to Japan as a soloist. Or maybe, to be part of a band! No I mean I'm still going to be with Cherrie but in Japan, I'll debut as a guitarist /giggles/ I can imagine when Cherrie performs at Tokyo Dome then my band will perform after Cherrie as a guest! It will be a hectic schedule but I don't mind! My role model is definitely my obaa-chan...or grandmother. Obaa-chan is the one that convinced otou-san to let me pursue my dream and she's the one who taught me singing. Obaa-chan is the most wonderful, lovely and patient person. Whenever I hit the wrong notes and cries, obaa-chan never get mad at me and comfort me with her homemade onigiri /giggles/ ah I got carried away, I'll stop now"
[5] I know a lot of fans are curious about this, and I'm sorry for asking so suddenly when you haven't even officially debuted yet, but who is your ideal type, and why? 
"/laughs/ ahhh it's fine it's fine ^^ I, for a fact knows that looks aren't everything. Sure, sometimes I'll swoon over handsome guys but that's it. Maybe I'll greet him or something but it's going to be just strictly friendship. My ideal type huh? Hmm... I do not have any particular guys that I will like. If I like him and he feels the same way, honest feelings, then I will surely love him. Well, he must be kind and understanding. Handling a girl like me is sure going to be a pain in the neck /laughs/ And he must treat how a woman should be treated...or not /laughs again/ Wait, was that an ideal type that I just mentioned?"
[6] If you were to pick a few things you think 'Ah, this I am the best at compared to the group' what would it be? And you can't say you guys are all good! If you must be praised for one thing only, what would it be? 
"Most definitely, guitar. I've been playing guitar for the rest of my life and I can play both acoustic and electric. Am I bragging? I think I am. Anyway, I want to be a guitarist too. A professional one and I want to make it big as Scandal and X Japan. Should I say rapping is one of the thing that could be praised? Because I can do LTE but I have a pikachu voice /pouts/"
[7] Finally, any last messages to your fans or your families? 
"May I speak in Japanese to my family? Sure? Arigatou~[A/N: Italics are in Japanese] Ahh watashi no kazoku [translate: My family] I miss you all so much~ Otou-san, how are you? I hope you're well and the company too. Say hi to the staff for me okay? Okaa-san, I still remember your message. It's a hectic schedule between school and training but I survived and reached my dream. Don't worry Okaa-san, I'm almost there. My onee-chan, Minoru-nee, I've seen you on the TV lately. You've gone skinnier, has work eats your flesh off? Hehe, make sure you take a break and EAT! Ganbatte onee-chan~ My squishy baby imouto Mikasaaa~~ I've got all your letters and pictures my precious baby~ I miss you so so much baby. Onee-chan promises that I will go home soon okay? In the meantime, focus on your studies and make sure to be a genius okay?! Obaa-chan and Ojii-chan, I miss you both. Please stay healthy and wait for the arrival of Cherrie's Judar! But I'll come home as the most kawaii Minase! Takeshi and Eliza, don't you dare come here and suddenly surprise me! You both are already famous and got a lots of schedules. But do call me okay? I miss my peeps ouo Ehem, now back to hangul /giggles/ For the fans that I call as 'Cheerfuls', that's an unofficial fanclub name that I made myself and that is not official, please await for our debut. We'll make sure you're all 100% entertained! Thank you for my sunbaes that has been helping Minase and the rest of the members that goes through a hard training. Our CEO J.Y. Park sensei! Thanks a bunch for considering me and keep up with this brat /laughs/ Lastly, fellow members of Cherrie. We'll stick together and we'll be together, let's all work well for the fans, our families, our friends, our company and ourselves. Cherrie fighting! Ganbatte minna! "
If you don't have any problems in your life, you're not really living it [Minase Kagiyama]
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes



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Oh, and could you put in a quote in the top by your pictures?
Thanks for filling this out!! :D
Oh yea, Cheerfuls is a good name xD
I needed a fanclub name