Red Darkness Form

AFF username: Gracia


AFF Profile Link:


Name: Ogg Je Ri


Nicknames (can include English Name): Jer, bookworm, GG.


Age (minimum age of 17) 20 years old.


Birthday (mm,dd,yy) 03/14/91


Ethnicity: Chinese/korean


Height: 1.68


Weight: 47 kg


Ulzzang Link (2+ links):

Ulzzang Name: Do Hwae Ji


Backup Ulzzang (in case yours is already taken): Kim Seul Mi


Clothing Style (5+ links)




Likes (10+):

-Spicy food.



-Bubble tea.



-Video games.







Dislikes (10+):

-Too girly girls

-Chocolate(she's allergic)



-Get drunk.



-being boring.


-Noisy people.


Habits (10+):

-She's always reading something.

-Inflate her cheeks.

-Make noises with her hands.

-Draw things in her notebook.

-Laugh when she's nervous.

-Bit her lip.

-Play with her fingers.

-Be on Internet late at night.

-Dance when she's alone.

-Eat to fast(really fast)


Hobbies (10+):

-Annoy the people she doesn't like.

-Cook!(she can't cook at all, but she likes trying)

-Eat spicy food.




-Make jokes.

-Jump in the rain.

-Make Aegyos but only with friends, whit the guy she likes she can't make aegyo

-Take pictures.

-Write stories.



-She can see spider because she freak out (really!!!) she scream as if someone wants to kill her.

-She has several allergics, likes chocolate, lemon, sea food...

-She lives alone, an her older brother is in college, her parents are death.

-Loves watch dramas.

-When she get drunk she speak in other languages.


Spoken Languages: Chinese, Korean, Spanish and English


Place of Birth: China


Where you were raised: The first 10 years of her life she lived at China but then her family moved to Korea-Seoul.


Personality (5-7 sentences minimum BE CREATIVE):Je Ri is a normal girl, she's not too girly but she's not a tomboy. She doesn't speak to much, not because she's shy but because doesn't like talk to much( she is like this since her parents murder) for that reason she doesn't have alot of friend just a few and it because they started a conversation with her. When you are her friend you realize that she's a very kind and lovely girl, but she's also a strong woman who doesn't like cry and beg for anything. She can be very ie if you pissed her off but if you are her friend she's gonna protect you. She only once fell in love but he was a player and broke her hearth.


Background (5-7 sentences minimum AGAIN, CREATIVITY IS IMPORTANT): she born in China, Beijing There was the place where her parents met and married. She likes the music alot, her dream was became a singer but since the murder she never think about that again. Her brother is studying Business and he lived in college for that reason she doesn't see him, she lived alone since she was 17 that's the reason why she's so independent. 


Family (Name, Age, siblings can be an idol but you have a better chance of getting picked if they aren't):

-Ogg Pyo Gun: Father, he was a lawyer, he is death.

-Xiah Jeinxi: Mother, She was a designer, she is death too.

- Ogg Hyo Su: Brother, He's 23, he is like her father because he raised her after their parents die.


Family Information (5-7 sentences minimum):Her family lived in China for 10 ten years, then they moved to Seoul because her mom's work, they were a happy family, a very kind mom, a lovely dad and a cute but stupid brother. Just three after they moved to Seoul and a enemy of her dad( the brother of a man who had placed the prisoner, because he won a case) killed her parents, Hyo Sun and she were inconsolable, they fell in a very depressing moment. Since that day they moved with her Aunt in Busan but when Hyo Sun ended the school, He moved to Seoul( to college) and she moved to a house alone.


.Do you want to be vampire or human?: Vampire


Friends (up to 5, they can be idols, but no SUJU friends. Keep in mind that you aren't an idol in this story.):

-Chunji(teen top)

-Hyo Min ( OC)

-L.Joe(teen top)

-Lee Bastian(OC)

- Choi Min ju (OC)


Crush (pick 3 in order of preference):



His personality? One in real life.



I hope you like it :)


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