〈 ♀ | ❝EXUARE ENTERTAINMENT ▪ Natsumi Tanaka 〉


-sunset, aleyna, nine out of ten

Birthname: ナトスミ タナカ Natsumi Tanaka

▪ Nana (used by her group members as a cute way to say her name)
▪ Mulan (used by Jungkook, he says she has a personality similiar to the Disney Princess Mulan when it comes to be adventurous and ambitious)
▪ Summer (used by fans and everyone under EXUARE Entertainment. Her name literally means Summer Child and Summer it's her stage name)

Birthday & place of birth: 1st of July, 1995 in Osaka, Japan
Hometown: Osaka, Japan
Ethnicity & Nationaliy: Japanese

Languages spoken: 

Japanese (Native speaker, born and raised in Japan)
Korean (Advanced, has been learning it since trainee days)
English (Basic, had to learn it in school and as a trainee)

Face-claim: Lee Sung Kyung
Back-up face-claim: Kim Jung Yeon
Height, weight: 170cm + 55kg
Blood type: O

Fashion style: Natsumi can consider herself a fashionista. Being from Japan means that she would have a special taste towards clothes, since in Japan there's a lot of crazy styles walking around the streets. She is not the type of girl to dress cute stuff with lovely patterns. She prefers dark clothes with a bit of vintage vibe yet rebel like. She doesn't spend much time in the morning trying to pick the perfect outfit, she just picks the first thing that comes to her eyesight and that's it. But I think the randomness of her choices are what make her unique, since she can choose a lot of weird piece of clothes but once she joins them all, she can create something pleasing to her eyes. She's a fan of high heels and loves to collect hats, every type of hat.

Other: Natsumi is what people may call "Natural Beauty". She was already born with something that would always call others attention. Even when she was just a baby people would approach her parents with a smile complimenting their work. Natsumi could easily be a top model, but she decided not to. It's not usual for a japanese girl to stand tall at 170cm, since normally japanese girls are quite short. Her facial features are mysterious with her plump lips, perfect small nose and mesmerizing eyes. You can't take her image off of your head once you lay your eyes on Natsumi. People wouldn't call her skinny often, she weights 55kg after all, but she is tall, so her weight doesn't really match her appearance, she is mostly flat in every part of her body, her legs are long and skinny, doesn't has a big booty and s aren't that big either, however, she is often called  "y". Natsumi has four ear piercings. One on her left ear and three on the right. Has a birthmark a bit under her bellybutton area with the shape of a small flower. Her hair color is naturally dark brown, but she is very famous for her dark blonde hair.



(+) funny, reserved, intelligent, witty, adventurous
(-) manipulative, short-tempered, snob, persuasive, blunt

↳ People tell Natsumi that she talks too much, but that’s not exactly true, because she doesn’t really say much when she’s talking. Sure, when you’re attempting to hold a conversation with her, she’ll talk, but she doesn’t really say much about herself. Usually she just throws a ton of words together in a jumbled sentence and passes it off as conversation. Unless she’s comfortable around you, then Natsumi can be a witty, fun, firecracker that shows off her massive intelligence and never ending supply of sarcasm. She’s an addictive personality, and most people who meet her end up picking up on some of her habits and phrases. Natsumi knows the kind of power she has over people and since she was a psychology student in school, she has learned even more ways to get people to do whatever she wants. Not that she does it often.

If you get on Natsumi's bad side, she’s a . She doesn’t put up with bull and she’s very, very good at manipulating a conversation and outsmarting others just by talking to them.  
Let’s face it, Natsumo is not and never will be the person people go to when they want to party. It’s just not going to happen. She’s good with her family and with her close friends; she even cracks jokes and uses large amounts of sarcasm in their midst, but with people who she does not consider friends or even remotely friendly...well, she can be a little bit of a snob. She doesn’t mean to do it, but always gets on the way. She’s an average girl, if you think deep about it; boys make her nervous, girls make her cautious, but if you get on her good side, Natsumi will probably always stay there. By your side, that is. 

Calm, collected, usually the voice of reason, you don’t find Natsumi lashing out at anyone often. Or ever. Unless, of course, that someone is messing with her family or her bestfriends (band members) .Her emotions often get the best of her when she’s really upset, but it’s thankfully rather rare that anyone upsets her. I mean, being made upset usually requires being spoken to, right? She can be selfish at times, not because she means to but because she genuinely forgets to think of other people’s feelings. She’s a nice girl, at the end of the day. She doesn’t harass anyone, only taking part in some minor teasing, typically between her friends and the worst thing she’s ever done is break a few boys’ hearts. 

Natsumi loves doing anything new and is the queen of forcing anyone to try something whether it is going to a new place, trying new food, buying new clothes; Natsumi is always the first in line for it all. She’s also a very ‘take charge’ kind of girl and is basically the leader in the group. Natsumi is one of those girls that does everything she does perfectly, or she tries to. She’s always reminding herself that she can do whatever she sets her mind to, but more often than not, she falls short to her own expectations. It doesn’t help that she always feels like everyone expects so much of her; sure, she can act like a leader, but sometimes people need a break. When she’s overly stressed or really upset, Natsumi can get mean; snapping at people. But she always apologizes afterwards, but in the moment she can bit her tongue and calm down a little.


 The majority of Natsumi Tanaka's childhood was captured on her father’s video camera; first steps, first words, her first babbling attempt to sing along with the most popular Japanese songs. It wasn’t a super perfect life in the big city of Osaka, but it was filled with the ever present love of her parents and older brother called Aito Tanaka and later a baby brother called Daichi Tanaka. What the petite brunette lacked in physical presence, she made up for in determination and creativity, quickly developing an aptitude for finding ways around her short stature. Natsumi was happy to let her older brother take the spotlight as the sports oriented, outgoing child, and while she excelled in school and developed a love of music, she was always more subtle about her accomplishments. For most of her life, Natsumi had adamantly professed to a desire to become a teacher.

By the middle of her first high school year all thoughts of teaching had been squelched by the desire to pursue the art of singing, with a specific interest in becoming a KPOP Idol. And now you ask: why not JPOP? Well, Natsumi always had this big dream of travelling around the world, she said many times that her future wasn't in Japan. She was a big fan of Japanese songs yes, but she never realy imagined being part of Morning Musume or Perfume. However, when she laid her eyes on Girls Generation, she thought: wow, I want to be one of them. Her parents were surprised by the sudden change of heart, but their daughter’s passion was so intense that they could do nothing but support her. 

Trainee background: 

↳ Natsumi auditioned for SM Entertainment in Japan but gave up after a year of training due different music tastes. After SM, the young girl stepped into EXUARE Entertainment with a chic attitude. She believes that if she works hard her idols will become her rivals, and she couldn’t think of something better. Let’s just say that the judges ‘fell in love’ with Natsumi as soon as she stepped into the audition’s room, she was quite a character and she could definitely gain people’s attention with a snap of her fingers even if she was extremely clumsy with her dance moves. Sure she was lacking in some other things but with a few years of training she was ready to be a star like she always wanted to be. All of this in the year of 2007. Coming from a different culture and country, Natsumi knew right away that she wouldn't be treated like a princess right away. In fact it was the complete opposite. First when she auditioned for SM in Japan, they told her a bunch of stories about trainees that were bullied because they were not from a Korean background. Alright, she isn't the type of girl to be affraid this easily, but she knew that her life wouldn't be easy, specially if her Korean was so limitated, she wouldn't be able to fight back because she wouldn't find the right words to say.

When she was accepted in EXUARE, Natsumi felt a little bit more relaxed when she saw that she wasn't the only foreigner in there, but it still was hard for her, other girls would make fun of her pronunciation when she was trying to learn some Korean to at least live in peace for a bit in there. She never was bullied physicaly, but she heard a lot of bad comments. However, her beautiful face saved her a lot of times. She made friends rather easily specially with boys that were curious to know her better. She even had a boyfriend during two months. She was strong, she fought everyday for a spot in the big KPOP world, it was thanks to her personality and strong desire to debut that Natsumi was able to overcome all the difficulties. She would always think 'act like a Korean, think like a Korean and you'll fit in'. Her bluntness and short-tempered personality sometimes would get in the way and she would have little problems, but she never pick up a fight with anyone unless they start it. She was the first girl to arrive at dance practice and would be the last one leaving.




summer rain (it's refreshing)
herself (she can be a bit vain and conceited)
food (biggest shikshin in the group)
horror movies (feels excited)
flowers (they are pretty and smell good)


backstabbers (fake people are a big no)
small places (she will feel suffocated)
crowded places (people bumping against her? No thanks)
insects (ewww, just no)
clowns (ugly, scary, fake)


cooking (she is a good cook)
sleep (best thing ever)
compose (she is quite good at it, she already wrote a few songs for the group)


hiding her face while laughing (since she was a kid)
procrastinating (all the time, she is very lazy)
hiding under the blankets (when she sleeps she hides her whole body, only the top of her head can be seen)


▪ she believes in God
▪ she comes from a family of actors
▪ her favourite movie is 'the day after tomorrow'
▪ leonardo dicaprio is her celebrity crush
▪ she had braces for 3 years


▪ allergic to watermelon
▪ she appeared in Boyfriend's 'Janus' and K.Will's 'Please Don't' MV
▪ she wants to be part of Hello Baby
▪ has two dogs named 'Medusa' and 'Zeus'
▪ she was part of the drama 'The Dark Side of the Moon' (not a real drama) along with Ahn Jae Hyeon



▪ Father | Fumihiko Tanaka | 45 | alive | Surgeon | wise, caring, funny | she is daddy's little baby, they have an amazing relationship, more like bestfriends.

▪ Mother | Haruko Tanaka | 43 | Nurse | understanding, motherly, trustworthy | more often than not, the house is full of their screams when they fight with each other, it's normal. But of course they love each other with everything they have, they are mother and daughter after all.

 Older Brother | Aito Tanaka | 23 | University Student | cocky, conceited, vain, smart | they are like the cat and the mouse, they even bully each other when they have the chance, however, it's like I stated above, they do love each other very much.

▪ Younger Brother | Daichi Tanaka | 3 | calm, stubborn, adorable, squishy | natsumi does everything for Daichi, he is the most important person in her life and she couldn't imagine the family without him. Daichi loves to sleep on Natsumi's lap. He really is her pride.


▪ Seok Jin | Bestfriend | 21 | BTS | vain, willy, charismatic, flirt | Natsumi is very cautious with those she chooses as friends. She doesn't trust people easily, but with Jin was different. As soon as she laid her eyes on him she knew he was special. They grew up together, as if they were real siblings. People often 'fall in love' with their friendship because they really know how to take care of one another and still fight as if they were a real couple. 

Past relationships:

▪ Kim Jongin | 20 | EXO-K Main Dancer | 3 months | they broke up as soon as Natsumi moved to EXUARE, they didn't spend a lot of time together and eventually their love started to disappear | he still keeps their couple bracelet, and Natsumi does the same.

▪ Park Min Joon (OC) | 22 | Fashion Designer Student | 1 year | he was the one that decided to broke up , because Natsumi was always cancelling their dates due her busy schedule as a trainee | they still have feelings for each other.



Trainee years: Natsumi joined EXUARE in 2007 and trained for 3 years
Past company: SM Entertainment for 1 year

Solo activities: 

▪ Acting (she comes from a family of actors and has a predebut experience)
▪ Modeling (her height and facial beauty caught many people's attention)



▪ 2010 - Natsumi seen with unknown male in front of EXUARE building, kissing
▪ 2013 - Natsumi and Jungkook to be the face of MAXIM Magazine with a y concept.
▪ 2014 - Bed scene between Natsumi and actor Ahn Jae Hyeon in KBS's new drama 'The Dark Side of the Moon.

Singing Twin: Lee Hi

Dancing Twin: Tiffany Hwang


Love interest: Jeon Jungkook
         Occupation: Bangtan Boys
         Birthday: September 1st 1997

Back-up love interest: Kim Jongin
         Occupation: EXO
         Birthday: January 14th 1994


↳ You know how vanilla ice cream is sweet and simple yet popular enough that everyone likes it? That’s how you can describe Jungkook.  He likes to keep to himself and when people try talking to him he occasionally will shy away from them because he had built a shell around himself, although he has a shy personality he does have the occasional times where he’d have the soft burst of confidence and he’ll go up to someone and introduce himself to get to know them and make friends. His social skills aren’t the best and occasionally he might just seem so meek it’s a bit off putting and annoying which he doesn’t try to be, he just has her fear of someone trying to hurt him that he’s scared of the most. When he is on stage, his personality changes drastically, he becomes y, not afraid to follow the music. Jungkook is also very funny, sometimes maybe too much, he likes to make lame jokes. People will eventually laugh even if the jokes are not funny at all.

The love story; wishlist:

 Jungkook and Natsumi met in the most normal way possible: through someone else. In their case, it was through Daigo that both of them started to see each other. Let's just say that Daigo thought that his friend would look good with his best friend and that's how everything started. Nothing fancy, nothing worth of a romantic story in a drama, but something normal, yeah. They know each other for 4 years, it's been 4 years of ups and downs. In the past they were already walking around with fingers intertwined and smiles on their faces, no they never dated before, but he was her first kiss and vice versa. Yes, they do like each other very much, but they can't afford losing their dream job because of love, maybe in the future, who knows. They are very young and they still have a lot of time. People still say that they are too young to know what true love is, but deep down they know they belong together. When the two of them are together the atmosphere can become weird, not because they feel awkward with each other but because there's other people near them, so they basically don't speak with each other in public because they are too shy to be caught in the camera. They both know that their actions can easily be misunderstood, if they are caught hugging or being too intimate, on the next day there will be rumors all over the internet, and they don't want that, it would be bad for their career. Natsumi respects Jungkook a lot. Even though they were pretty close in predebut times, now they are very professional. They keep a good friendship of course and sometimes people can see the way they look at each other, but it's just that, they can't do more, BTS fans would probably kill her anyways.


Comments: hope you like my girl <3
Suggestions or requests: /none for now/

Are you comfortable with drama? I LOVE DRAMA, bring it on!
If chosen, do you allow me to make some small changes with your character? Sure, go ahead.

send the application // return to the story

(application heavily inspired by cerulean's "earth's heaven" theme)


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