55 questions credit to miss_ineo

55 questions


  1. Are you ready for this quiz?: neh~

  2. Do you swear to be truthful?: yes?


  1. Two things you want to eat right now?: chocolate ice-cream and pizza

  2. The reason you’re not eating them right now?: it's too late :( and i need to lose some weight tho...


  1. What was the last movie you watched?: i don't remember. 

  2. Did you like it?: ...

  3. What’s your favourite movie?: none


  1. Who do you want to hug right now?: Kris!!!!

  2. Who would you like to kiss right now?: Junhuyng!!! hahah is it too much to want two different person kkk :P


  1. What physical aspect of a person do you find the most attractive?: smile

  2. What mental aspect of a person do you find the most attractive?: humor. 


  1. Top two favourite girl bands?: 4minute. I really don't listen any other girl group. these girls are so funny and cute!!! i really love them!!!!!

  2. Top two favourite boy bands?: B2ST and Exo?!. i don't know i am new to exo and these guys really drives me crazy lately soi think they will be after B2ST! :) 

  3. What would you do if your favourite boy bands disbanded?: CRY!!!

  4. What would you do if your favourite girl bands disbanded?: CRY!!!!


  1. Who is your ultimate bias?: Hyuna!!!! she is so hot and y on the stage but she actually is a childish bubbly and funny girl!!! she is so cute!!!! i really love how she can change into someone she really isn't on the stage and i really love her open personality!!!!. 

  2. If you had two minutes to spend with your ultimate bias what would you do?: TAKE PICTURES TOGETHER AND CHANGE PHONE NUMBERS!!!. 


  1. Are you more of a reader, or a writer?: Writer. 

  2. (If you’re a writer) How many fanfics have you written?: 10 i think they are good and readable. Some of them on my other account


  1. If you were in a band which role do you think would most suit you?: Rapper. 

  2. Which role would you want?: rapper. 

  3. If you were given the chance would you rather sing or dance?: sing. 


  1. What is your favourite colour?: black. 

  2. Which colour do you have the most of in your wardrobe? (What colour do you wear the most?): I wear a lot of black,


  1. Would you rather have 100 presents worth $1 each or one present worth $100?: 1 PRESENTS. 


  1. Do you like animals?: no... animals not my style!!! kkk

  2. If you could choose any animal to have as a pet, what would you buy?: ... 


  1. Do you like big families or small families?: small

  2. If your husband/wife wanted 5 kids, and you only wanted 2 what would you say to them?: hey it's not like you are going to be a preggy one right!


  1. Would you rather have an illness which makes you unable to be active for more than an hour a day, but you will live for 100 years, or have an illness which will kill you in two years, but you will be healthy and active for the entire time?: 2 years. 


  1. If you had a with two identical twins, and you got pregnant, how would you work out who was the father?: nah, this will never happen!!!


  1. If you had five friends, and four spare tickets to a theme park, how would you choose who to take?: just sell it to some other people or jusr give the five tickets to my friends, duh. 


  1. Would you rather go to a posh hotel in the city, or a lodge in the mountains?: I like both... actully no... WHATEVER HAS INTERNET CONNECTION IS FINE. 


  1. Football or swimming?: Foodball!!!!. 

  2. Ice skating or running?: running. i can't skating


  1. Would you rather marry some one you just met, or spend forever as just friends with some one you love?: Marry some one I just met.


  1. Would you rather take the bus to school every morning, or save the money and walk?: walk, actually i can't take the bus. this thing makes me dizzy.


  1. What job do you have to have in ten years time?:  k pop idol hahaha who am i kidding!!!

  2. What are the top three things you want to achieve in the next ten years?: Study abroad, have a nice apartment, get a decent (and by that I mean something I'd love doing) job

  3. Do you think you will achieve these things?: yes. 


  1. If you had to write a will today who would you give all your possessions to?: I'd give something to everyone who matters to me. 


  1. If your best friend and your boyfriend/girlfriend slept together who would you be angry at?: BOTH OF THEM. BUT MORE TO MY NOW EX BOYFRIEND. I DON'T WANT TO LOSE MY FRIEND OVER SOME STUPID GUY!!!


  1. Can you skip with a skipping rope?: Yes. 

  2. Can you count to ten in more than one language?: Yes.


  1. Do you think you’ve made an impact of anyone so far in your life?: I'd hope so. 


  1. Why did you start doing this quiz?: IT SEEMS FUN!!!


  1. If you could invite two asianfanfics.com users to your house, who would you invite?: fallinenigma and danyiela.

  2. At this gathering you also get the opportunity to invite THREE idols, one for each of you. Who are you inviting?: I'm inviting Hyuna, kris and Junhyung!!! 

  3. What food are you doing to serve for your two friends and three idols? i can't really cook so maybe i will order something!

  4. What are you going to talk about over dinner?: everything in my mind. 

  5. What activities would you do together?: Make awkard eye contact and play cards. 

  6. How late are you going to stay up?: , sleep is for the weak. 

  7. What are you going to do if you wake up while everyone else is asleep?: take pictures of the while they were sleeping!!!

  8. What would you do when it’s time for everyone to leave?: Group selca


Did you enjoy this quiz?: yes!


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