i'm dying

i know i should change but i just can't.

i get told from my parents i should date someone to change and my sisters always says how much i'm not worth anything. i know this. i know this really well. But it hurts. It hurts so much.

i'm not the prettiest nor the smartest human living out there. it wouldn't be fair if i'd be pretty and smart. But i want some happiness too.

i feel so alone. i only live because i can't die just like this. And i really tried to change but its hard and i don't have anyone supporting me. So why even starting something you won't success at on your own?

i shouldn't give up (and i don't think i can). i won't give up (because my mom won't let me). i'll try my best (though i can't even give all my might into it).

now i really wonder why i even wrote this.

don't feel bothered with this. i just needed to write down my feelings because i can't take it anymore, i can't take my flaws anymore.


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Oh! Dear.
Don't let anyone tell you you are worthless because you're not! No one ever is.
You don't have to date anyone just to change or prove something; you date because you like someone and feel attracted to them. Dating isn't the reason to any problem, it can make you feel worse if you're not into it.
You don't have to prove anyone wrong.

I know it's hard trying to change and you sometimes feel like turning back half way or like quitting, but please, please remember that you're trying to change for yourself.
Change only for yourself, not for others.

I'm sorry, I know I'm not being helpfull and all things are easier said than done, but know that nothing lasts not sorrows, grief, nor happiness ( I know it's not quite a good motto to go by but it helps. It has helped me, and still does) Just try to at your own pace.
And one day you'll get there im sure.

I'm not sure this is useful but I hope it made you feel a little better. If you feel down feel free to talk to me.
No one is worthless and you have to prove that. I'm sorry for not replying a long time because rl got in my way. I'll support you no matter what happen
everybody is worth something...
MochiToBe #4
fighting unni(?)~ du bist nicht alleine ;) ich bin auch forever alone TT3TT
nicht aufgeben !! ^.^/