
Woooah. This site has a blog. So I can vent about my feelings here? I CAN VENT.

I actually don't have anything to vent about. Look who wasted precious time that could be spent productively. Me. That's right. I did.

Guys guys guys. This calls for ancient Russian proverbs that my granny taught me.

Без кота́ мыша́м раздо́лье.

Самым большим доказательством существования разумной жизни во вселенной является тот факт, что с нами до сих пор никто не попытался связаться.

Oh. That was mean. I'm sorry. Not funny, I know. My granny didn't teach me that one. She taught me that she hates her husband though.

Котик. Ohh. My Russian keyboard is really coming in handy. Mumble mumble mumble, my thoughts are all in Jumbles. Котенок мой. Aish. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. But I am trying to build up 500 karma points so I can change my username to RulerOfCats~~

натуральных соков. Dirty.


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Bwahahahahaha!!!!!! yeah yeah! You can vent out your frustration here! You can type your next few blogs using the russian keyboard! :).. though i will be lost. Ah well! You very funny! :D