Today I.....

Today I watched a few videos, to spend time
begin from seeing

DaraHae = wow it was quite a surprise! I love Dara since the first, .. so I'm a bit like looking at the moment of their

HaeSica = aahhh,... I know they have been dating, but broke up before debut ... but still legit to be seen, .. I love their fraternity relationship

HyukSica = it's so cool!!!

IUHyuk = aaahhh it's so cute XD...

Hyukri = it's seem like one side love >_> .... but I love it <3 <3

YoonHae = they are like sister and brothers.. 0_0 and Yoong for some reason, her face looks like my neighbor', next to my house

BOAHyuk = it's moreee cute >_<

HyoHyuk = I love this couple <3 <3 <3

EUnHAe =.................................... I can't say anything's seem REAL LIKE MARRIED COUPLE ..... JUST REAL.... who they have said in past years....







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Haha....i love hyohyuk and YoonHae..they sweet unnie x)
But loves more and most EunHae...gahhh....