Something New, School's Over

Yesterday marked the 2013/2014 school year's end, and I already see myself having a lot of time to write more

So, in a way, I'm back


Something is off

I don't feel like I should be writing, it's fun and all though

Because of this awkward feeling I've decided to delete a story that I just can't continue on with

It was going no where, let's be completely honest

I couldn't continue it 

Something New has been deleted

That story with an OC, Donghae, and Eunhyuk?

Yeah, not going to work.

But I did save the text though, because... It's was an OK 17-pages

I didn't want it to just vanish.

Maybe I'll pick up where I left off later on, but for now it's stayed deleted.

Have a good summer break everybody!


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