FIRSTS (credits to neologizesierra)

1. YOUR FIRST ACTUAL WORD : I don't know. It's probably Mommy or Daddy.

2. YOUR FIRST CRUSH : I was in first grade. There was a boy that sat in front of me that would always turn around and smile at me. I used to go home really pissed at him, but then I realized I like him. I always blushed whenever he turned around to smile at me. Unfortunately he moved a few days later. :(

3. YOUR FIRST BOYFRIEND : Hasn't happened yet. 

4. YOUR FIRST DOLL : It was a little doll that if you shake it it makes a little rattling noise. For some reason I called it WeeWee. I was probably a weird kid.

5. YOUR FIRST CELEBRITY CRUSH : Do u guys remember "High School Musical"? When I was like 7 or 8 I was obsessed with that movie. My first celebrity crush was actually Zac Efron (Troy).

6. FIRST KISS : Well my mom told me this story where I went with her to a party at a friends house. Her friend had a son about two year older than me. Keep in mind I was like three or four. So my mom and her friend told the boy to kiss me on the lips and he actually did. I don't know if my mom was playing or not, but I have absolutely no memory of that.

7. FIRST OCCUPATION DREAM : When I was little I probably wanted to be a teacher or singer or something. 

8. FIRST FRIEND : Kindergarten. We actually still talk even though we haven't seen each other since the second grade. Plus we live in two different cities now.

9. FIRST PHONE : Fifth grade. But I wasn't allowed to text yet so I was mad.

10. YOUR FIRST TIME WEARING MAKE-UP : I was 11 or 12. I used to take dance lessons and at the end of the year there was a dance recital. And we had to wear make up, which pissed me off so much. 


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awwwww i haven't had a boyfriend yet too HIGH FIVE am single a lll the waaayyyy