Yeah yeah, I know A LOT of u probably made a blog post of their comeback. I decided to do one too because I need something to spill my FANGIRLING on!!!!! :P Get ready peoples....



OMG I was SSsSOoOoo HAPPY when he FINALLY had his own part in a song!!!! I knew he would someday have a singing part!!! Omg it's a RAP too!!! Hunnie is really growing as a star and I can't wait for him to do more in the future!!! He looks so hot in their vid too!!! Hunnie hwaiting!!


Eeeeeeeek! I wish I can keep this cutie deer as a pet!!!! Luhan doesn't seem to stop getting cuter and cuter!! He's growing a lot too as a star. I'd really like to see him on the big screens or in dramas. That angel can't just stick to dancing and singing. I'm gonna be mad if he doesn't appear in a drama some time soon. Lulu hwaiting!!!!


Aww this Baozi is sooo cute!! He's growing as a star!! He seems to get more camera time nowadays. But... He needs to eat more!!! I know SM is just doing that to make him lose more wait.... But still!!! Water diets!!!?? NOT COOL!!! Baozi hwaiting!!!!


Who knew Bacon can sing so good!!! He's really growing as a main vocalist. His high notes are off the charts! Kkaeb song! Kkaeb song! Bacon hwaiting!!


ChenChen can REALLY sing!! His chinese seems to be getting better and better too. People are starting to recognize Chen more nowadays. He's really grown as a main vocalist and a singer in general. ChenChen hwaiting!!


Let me just say this. Oh Mai Gawd!!! Suho soooo Y with blonde hair!!!! This leader seems like a leader to me!! I used to think that Suho was just the leader and that's it, but over time I noticed that he's more than that. He rocks Inkigayo along with Bacon and he's just HOT in general. Go go Suho. Suho hwaiting!!


Yo wuzup Galaxy!! I just miss him in EXO Showtime! He really showed us a new side to him. I can't wait for what SM had planned for him in the future. He's growing as a star too and I just feel like giving him fried chicken for that! Galaxy chicken hwaiting!!


Oh Kai...you're dancing doesn't seem to to get less ier. Whenever he dances he completely owns the stage! He gives off an aura that says, "This is where I belong and this is where I shall stay!" Keep up the good work Kai! Kai hwaiting!!


Lay is really talented in many ways. From dancing to singing to writing songs!! I'd like it if he would write a song for EXO in the future. It would also be great if the songs he made were shared with the rest of the world. Lay hwaiting!!


Go wushu panda Tao!! Him knowing martial arts is a good quality to have in their group. He makes their vids seem more cool and daebak. I love how the grand finale of Overdose is one of his martial arts moves. He finishes the song greatly! Tao hwaiting!!


Yo Yeollie!! Wow, Yeollie seems to be getting better and better in rapping. I get easily attracted to guys that rap, especially guys who rap in a really hot way. Yeollie keep rapping jebal!! And keep being that happy smiley you! Yeollie hwaiting!!


Aww Kyungsoo!! Is it me or is he getting more cuter and cuter? His voice is really good. His voice is actually one if the voices I get attracted to in EXO's more slower, softer songs. His voice is so smooth. Kyungsoo hwaiting!!



Gaaaahhhh!!! EXO EXO EXO!!! They don't seem stop killing us right?!?!?! Congrats EXO on your comeback and I can't wait for what you have planned for us fans in the future!! :) :) :)


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