Things about me :D


Answer all questions HONESTLY.


Real Name: Carlie Ann Maloney

Nick name: Carlz

Age: 21 (Finally!!)

Height: 5' 2

Weight: I'm not going to say it I just had a baby!!

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Light Brown (I love my eyes)

Hobby: Writing fanfiction and teaching my baby new things

Likes(3): K-Pop, T.O.P and 71 Into The Fire

Dislikes(3): Math, Arguments about money and my sister

Fear: Spiders, being bitten by a rattlesnake and getting my throat slit... (Sorry I have crazy nightmares :/ )

Favorite drink: Starbucks Iced Pumpkin spice or Boba Milk Tea!!!

Favorite food: Zuppa Tuscana or eggs over medium with soy sauce (Don't judge me I was pregnant once you know!)

Strength: K-Pop and writing ;D

Weakness: T.O.P I will swoon all day to the point of fainting over that ii man! I wish he could see this    LOL *Fans self* Lord I'm so crazy!! >__<


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