OTP in ZE:A?

Hi there~ So recently I have started to takae a liking into the group ZE:A and Im just wondering if there are already any ships between the members? If so, please tell me~ ^^"


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I like ZE:A too and I really love Hyungsik! :)
I like ZE:A...not really the shipping type, I like Heechul, but I think Hyungshik and Kevin would look cute together! Or Hyungshik and Siwon!
I love ZE:A, but have never shipped them. However, I like the ship of Minwoo and Heechul, and Siwan and Kwanghee would be a good one, if you're going for a stalker story lol=).
Junyoung and Dongjun 2jun ><
Kevin and Kwanghee. My favorite, LOVE Kevin.
KimHeeSung #7
Siwan and Kwanghee! :) SiKwang
Galdy42 #8
I am not sure if things have changed much but, from the beginning:
Kwanghee and Siwan - who are best friends make a lovely SiKwang otp <3
Kevin and Hyungsik - KevSik (I love it when they sing together! Chills!)
JunYoung as appa and TaeHun as umma, sometimes, but also JunYoung and MinWoo, or JunYoung & Kwanghee...
HeeChul and Siwan or DongJun...
All of my favorite stories are SiKwang or KevSik stories.
I hope that helps, and that you also hear from other people :)
personally I am a fan of kevshik (kevin/hyungshik) and moonwoo (junyoung/minwoo). lots of people ship sikwang (siwan/kwanghee) because they're bffs.
kpopluvr27 #10
oh gosh I don't know. I am a fan of ZE:A, but I don't think I have an OTP for them yet. Who do you like? Just ship any two who YOU like together! >o<