My Spring Break

So tomorrow officially swtarts my week and a half spring break.... Which means i will be using homework as an excuse to update.... if im not lazy... so today will be marked as D-Day 2 for B.A.P concert right? I WAS SUPPOSED TO GO TO THE CITY TO DAY!!!!!  AUUUGGHH my appa had work all of a sudden so i could not go!! but it known that B.A.P like italian food when it comes to New York right???  I WAS GOING TO AN ITALITN PLACE TO EAT!!!!!! and then it was cancelled....i would have gad a chance to see them somewhere cuz uaually when i go to the city with my family there is so many dtours we take  ^_^ but NO!! plans are all ruined so now im drowning my sorrow of thrying to get my parents to search them for me with K-POP and fanfics and occasianally my US. HIstory homework.... this is not the life of a kpop  fan girl...this is 'not my style'.....  auuuuuggghghhhhhhhh  now i just have to resort to watching my unnie's and oppa'sfan cams at school and watch MTVK....... not fair  :(...


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