GUYS!! Please read this and give me solution.

First, thank you for clicking this and read this. 
Guys, I want to make a contest. A graphic contest. 

I'm kind of confused now, since this is my first tie making it. 
I sill confused with the prompt, the rubic, and also, the price. I was kinda sad and not confident after checking some of graphic contest, since they have awesome and spectacular price while I just can give not to much karma. :/
Can you guys help me? 


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xiseyre #1
Well, I can recommend your graphic contest in my recommendation studio for you if you're having problem. Not only that, I can provide you with some prizes. I'm more than happy to give a shout-out recommendation to whoever wins in your graphic contest.! =)
wahh what kind of help do you need, unnie? (: if you want, I could donate some karma to you. x)