first time crying so much for a movie.

So I just finished watching a movie called Secretly Greatly by Kim Soo Hyun, Lee Hyun Woo and Park Ki Woong. I know, this movie was released last year during May but I only get to watch it now. HOWS THAT. As I was saying,these three great acting and action skills is totally over the top man. This movie totally made me crying my my eye balls out man.

The ending was unbearably SAD.






But I love this movie. It's a comedy action movie, I never knew Soo Hyun could pull off such a cute, fool character. Despite his handsome image he nailed the Donggu's character !  I laughed so much over his foolishness. DAMN CUTE I KENNOT. Besides, Hyun Woo and Ki Woong did a great job too. Love their NK accent and action skills. Oh my goodness. 

I'll never see Hyun Woo and Ki Woong the same as before anymore since they always go for cute bubbly character in dramas.



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