Fanfic Updates (once again)

I have been so busy with my website that I haven't been able to write for your guys, PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!! Also, my mom just got out of the hospital today. Sh had surgery on her back and got some disks removed. So that and my job, life's been pretty hectic. 

BUT! Updates are coming. I'm stuck on Peter Pan, so that will have to wait, and I need to start ETM, I already have ideas, but I'm bouncing between which scenario to write first, GOF needs updating, I haven't touched that one in awhile, and Remembrance for Eternity also needs an update. 

Hmmmmm....Oh yeah! I've mapped out the ending to Wolf: The Unknown. So that's being planned out and written. So look forward to:



Remembrance for Eternity and the conclusion to 

Wolf: The Unknown

Also, working on something special that relates to my website. Get back to you on that ASAP!


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