Any Suggestions?

Hey everybody! This is your fanfic writer, Renee and we've all experienced this as writers that WRITER'S BLOCK !!!! It does and it makes your brain do farts (I'm kidding) and makes you gradually lose your inspiration to write. As being a writer, I hate it, to the fact that once I get writer's block, I rage quit (you do not want to see me go HULK mode). Since you guys, my faithful subscribers, are awesome and kind to subscribe to my stories, I would appreciate it if you had any ideas, thoughts or opinions about my fics. I really need some action in the comment section so I can see what I need to improve, some suggestions or your feedback or just simply saying hello (I'm lonely, lol). And please do not be afraid of what you want to say, okay! (I don't bite, unless you are mean or annoying. Haha) So I hope you guys just chat away in the comments and please stay tuned for my upcoming Kris fic, Feelings For You.


Take care



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