Day 1 Of My Latest K-Pop Challenge :3

So back at the end of the summer you all asked me to do another K-Pop related challenge. Well...I've stolen one from my friend here it goes! XD And please ignore the crosses...I stole it while she was in the process of doing it X3

kpop 30 day challenge

Day 2: Your favorite k-pop girl group 
Day 3: Your ultimate k-pop guy bias 
Day 4: Your ultimate k-pop girl bias 
Day 5: Your favorite k-pop song from your favorite guy group 

Day 6: Your favorite k-pop song from your favorite girl group 
Day 7: A k-pop song that makes you cry 
Day 8: A k-pop song you know all the words to 
Day 9: Your favorite k-pop performance 
Day 10: A k-pop dance you’d like to learn 
Day 11: Your favorite k-pop music video 
Day 12: The very first k-pop song you’ve ever heard 
Day 13: A k-pop group you dislike and why 
Day 14: A k-pop song that makes you smile 
Day 15: A k-pop song that reminds you of someone you miss 
Day 16: Your favorite k-pop lyric (and a translation) 
Day 17: A k-pop idol you wish was your older sibling 
Day 18: A k-pop idol you wish was your younger sibling 
Day 19: Your favorite interview of a k-pop idol or group 
Day 20: Your favorite picture of your guy k-pop bias 
Day 21: Your favorite picture of your girl k-pop bias 
Day 22: Your favorite picture of your favorite k-pop group 
Day 23: A picture of a k-pop idol who you think is underrated 
Day 24: A picture of a k-pop idol who you think is overrated 
Day 25: Your favorite k-pop music video 
Day 26: Your favorite cover of a k-pop song by another k-pop artist 
Day 27: Your favorite dance battle 
Day 28: Your favorite cover of an American song by a k-pop artist 
Day 29: A k-pop song you never get tired of 
Day 30: A k-pop idol that has amazing eye smiles


So day 1 asks for my favorite kpop guy group.

Hoboy...I have a million because I'm indecisive and can't choose just one group.

Honestly, if I absolutely HAD to choose just one group (and I would not be able to do so unless threatened otherwise), my instincts would tell me to say Block B. Yes, I'm aware that they're a rookie group and nowhere near as developed or profound as other sunbae groups. But what makes them my current favorite group is the fact that whether they're around cameras or not, they're comfortable being themselves. They don't have to say cute things to get attention or wear cute clothes. They say what they feel and where whatever the hell they want. They are hep hap to the extreme, and I look up to all seven of them. Extremely.


I'd be lying if I said they were my absolute favorite group...because I love so many groups.

So to bore the hell out of you all, I'll just list all the boy bands I listen to and why I love them so~

~DBSK: First kpop group EVER. Fell for Yunho, their personalities, music, dancing...everything. They started it all~

~SHINee: First major obsession. Lucifer was the gateway to my kpop obsession. Fell for all five boys watching Hello Baby.

~Super Junior: First introduction to the term "MIND ". Too many pretty boys for my brain to comprehend. Loved their prettiness and everything.

~B2ST: Fell for Dongwoon's beautiful Arabian face. And the Bad Girl dance. Love their singing and dancing and rapping and everything they have to offer~

~MBLAQ: Joon's shirtlift killed me. Still does. I adore GO's singing to the max, and love the boys for their quirkiness. I love Rain's work with them ♥

~One Way: First idol group I've ever seen. Super underappreciated and I can't wait for them to release more stuff.

~Infinite: Absolutely. Amazing. Words cannot vocalize my admiration of these boys. And Dongwoo. Mostly Dongwoo XD

~U-Kiss: All of their struggles are so admirable to me. I love their personalities and talent and know they'll be around forever ;)

~Big Bang: Fell for GD and got my name. Their bad--ness won me over, and I'm in love with all five of them.

~B1A4: The country-dols~ So cute and funny and adorkable to the extreme X3

~AA: Oh my God...I can't even. They're all beautiful and awesome at dancing~

~Boyfriend: Wae so cute? Honestly. Jeongmin drew me in with his Onew-like face, but they're too cute and talented to ignore

~C.N. Blue: Who doesn't like boys who play instruments???

~BB.Boys: Their singing voices are so sweet, they really need to come out with more songs :3

~Does Co-Ed School count? If so...these boys are beautiful. Taewoon~

~Dalmatian: Just starting to get into them. They are so awesome :3

~DGNA: Also starting to get into them. Their songs are uber sweet

~F.Cuz: Holy moley, fell for Yejun at first. But I love them all...and miss LeeU :(

~FT Island: Still have a lot to learn about them, but Hongki is pretty XD

~HITT: Another very underappreciated group. Give them some love?

~M.I.B.: Most Incredible Busters. Wow. They redefine Block B's hep hap XD I love them. So daebak

~Mighty Mouth: Thank god for Zico, because without him, I'd probably never have found these guys ♥

~MYNAME: Wow...another rookie group to floor me. These guys are amazing singers, dancers, and rappers

~N-Train: Yet again, very underappreciated :3

~N.Sonic: Superboy was super addicting. Give them love too XD

~Phantom: Hanhae, Kiggen, Sanchez. Put them together and what do you have? Three major derps

~SM The Ballad: 4 of SM's most amazing singers. Not all 4 best singers, but some of the absolute best :3

~SLIM: Hey, what do ya know? Another underappreciated group :/

~SM*SH: They wouldn't be so underappreciated if they weren't so focused on Japan...

~SS501: Does this need explaining?

~Supernova: Getting to love them :3

~Taken: Oh my God. Young Boy had me frightened beyond belief at the lyrics. But Hold Up is one of my favorite songs right now :D

~Teen Top: Holy moley, they can dance. And they're all freaking gorgeous. Even the dongsaengs 0.0

~The Trax: Love them~ Love them~

~Twi-Light: Every time I see their name I just want to sing "With-out, wi-thout you~" XD

~2AM: Jo Kwon is freaking amazing. I love him. And I love 2AM XD

~2PM: I don't even remember when I started to like these guys. They're so funny and adorable and they're talented and sweet and...I'll just stop now.

~TS Baby: I'm quite impressed with the resumes of all three members. Can't wait for their official debut together

~Last but not least...Block B. Please refer to my comment above^ ♥


Wow...a lot of groups 0.o They're all on my iPod...if there's any groups you'd like to recommend, please feel free :3 Or any songs~ I have over 700 kpop songs alone :O


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Iheartlife #1
omo! You're doing this too? Good looks like so much :O
I have 500-something... Which means I need more :3 lol how many of those groups did I get you really into? XD
Dang 700?! I have like....100. Dx
over 700? i only have 90-ish
such a fail for a kpop fan