tagged !

No sure if anyone is gonna see this, and i really can't be bothered tagging anyone, but yuuh.


Rule 1: Post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagged asked you, then make 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to this post
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them

Tagged by iamthestalker

  1. What's your favorite drink?
    Bubble Tea! aka Boba haha

  2. You top 3 biases!
    Kris, Kai, Lay

  3. How would you explain yourself in five words?
    A very clumsy, hopeless romantic.

  4. Bias group & favorite song by them.
    EXO! & favourite song... that's really hard D: maybe Baby Don't Cry... or Into Your World. I really love their ballads!

  5. Your favorite thing to snack on.
    Almonds? Pocky? idk, i don't snack often...

  6. Favorite picture or quote from your bias.
    Too many! oh, "Maybe Next Time."

  7. What hobbies do you enjoy?
    Cooking, baking, eating, reading, sleeping, listening to music & surfing the net!

  8. If you were accepted to train at SM, YG, JYP, and CUBE, who would you go to and why?
    SM! All my biases are there soooo... but nah, too talentless. hahahaha.

  9. What's your idea on a perfect date?
    Securing a love lock together.. or a date to the theme park hehe.

  10. What do you think of me?
    You're my twinnie! i think you're an amazing person, its crazy how alike we are! I love you heapssss <3

  11. A bias opposite of your gender and why you chose them.
    Kris! He's my ultimate bias soooo. idk, he's just perfect in my eyes...
    i have a thing for tall guys with broad shoulders and an amazing smile hehe ^o^


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