✡ Zero's Manager, Park Seung Jo✡

zero, bang, shoot





♠ Seung Jo Park, manager}


okitty | Kitty | 7

"Take it or leave it, Never regret it."

 our manager's profile}

Full name: Park Seung Jo
Other names: Daniel Park
Date of birth: 23 May 1990
birthplace + hometown: Ottawa, Canada
languages spoken: Korea (fluent), English (fluent), Japanese 
favorite food | (Ham and Egg Sandwich.)
 favorite drink | (Capucinno)
  your favorite idol in jyp and sm | J.Y.Park and Kim Heechul
favorite song | Western: Mirrors-Justin Timberlake, Asian: Have Enough Parties - J.Y.Park
faceclaim : Jeon Kiwook
back-up faceclaim :
Oh Jung Kyu
personality | Seung Jo is a perfectionist guy. He likes to make everything perfect. He has a great persuasive talent. He's a little strict and firm. He loves rules and he will obey it. He's a little hard to be persuaded. He's mature and responsible. He's always serious in everything he does. He's kind of person that will finish anything he had started. He doesn't like people who always delaying their work.
In other sides, he is quite humorist. he likes to joking around. He's also quite sensitive. He is clever in reading situation, and he can act like he must be. He's always notice if the members are sad, tired, happy, upset, or have a personal problems. He will be the one who try to comfort them and make them share their problems to him. He's a kind of family-man. He will not let anyone hurted people he loved. He likes to make new people felt be accepted and comfort in their new environtment. For the members, he's always act like friend and brother, but he will not hesitate to reprimand them if they have a mistake or if they not act like they must be.

tell me whatislove; }


a member you want to guide as a manager in BTS: Ji Min
a member you want to guide as a manager in GOT7: Jackson Wang
after looking at several trainees for ZERO, which one do you want to guide?: Lee Jane (Main Rapper, Co-Leader), Jang Aeri (Lead Rapper, Happy Virus), Heo Jiyoon (Leader)
zero's managertest }



how will you handle the member who always move around and make a mess in the dorm or car? - 20 points
As long as it not bother me and other people, they free to do anything they want. If they start to bother people, well then I must reprimand them. :)
this is crazy but...will you let yourself be hitten by a sasaeng fans or let them annoy the member you guide? - 10 points
Well, if it must, then I will protect them. Sasaengs are always try to bug idols they hate. As long as it not hurt the members (physically), then I will let them finish it with their way. I mean, as an idol, they must behave as the one. If they can't overcome their sasaeng, then how they would overcome bigger problems, like scandals or gossips?
if the members are fighing, what will you do to stop them? - 10 points
I will talk to members who have a fight personaly and I will ask them why they must fighting. I better like finish something in a good conversation, so I will ask them to talk about their problems and forgive each other.
if you knew that one of the members is dating, will you let her/him be, or make "them" break up? - 10 points
I will let them dating as long as they can take a responsible of theirself. If they're dating, then they must understand that there are many reduntant fans that not agree with their desicion. They must ready to face the paparazzi and reporters that search any news about their relation. Then, I want them to keep profesional as an idol. They must separate personal and professional problems. They maybe have a lot of personal problems, but when they up to the stage, they must act like they have none.
what do you think is the important traits that a manager should have? - 50 points
A manager must be a undercontrol person. they will not get panic if there is a problem or leave their members. they will comfort their members and give them some spirit if they need it. A manager should caring and responsible of the group. They must act as a friend, but in other occation, they must act as a teacher and educate the members about entertainment.


soon to-be manager's comment}

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any suggestions?:


layout credit to _milkshake @ f a l l e n angel



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hey yo chingu, okay...if i ask you, "Are you going to chose to be the member or manager?" which one are you going to chose? both of your apply are good and I like it, I am considering to chose you as a character in the story! anyways, good luck! thank you so much for applying as a manager <3