
My dear friends i really need help in this one essay i have to do for my reading and language arts class. i need to write about a camelon and ant ,but i don't know how to put them into a story i mean like seriously who even makes you write about that anyways i have this one idea but im not sure about it plz comment  ideas i will be very thankful! sorry to waste your time and i promise i will reward u in  anyway!


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...what kind of essay topic is that? LOL. No offense, I just mean...like... what xD
Sorry for such a late response D: if it's still valid then I'll be glad to help~ it could be like the chameleon (I read the comment reply just to make sure) eats the rose but then it gets poisoned and dies or something and it represents how pretty things can be bad in the inside >:D idk ;-; I've never had to work with such a topic haha
Are you comparing and contrasting a camelon and an ant? xD I would seriously help you but what kind of ideas would you want? Are you talking creative?
The Art of Camouflage. :P