Kpop Fans



Can I ask you a question?


Not to be mean or anything, just something out of my curiosity...


Why do fans cover their faces during shows and when their idols walk over to them?


I mean, why?





I would probably do it if they were right in front of me. Since I get shy and everything but if I could go to their live shows, I wouldn’t xD

I would scream now and again but my sister hates it and since I don’t drink a lot of water, my throat gets dry… (I get scolded a lot because of this… I got a nose bleed once because of it and my sister forced a bottle down my throat xDD) P.S: I scream really loudly as well… My sister is an amazing singer so she’s trained me to sing since I was young. Now if I scream during school concerts or something, my friends always cover my mouth xDD

P.S.S: I can’t sing




Maybe out of courtesy?





Ah! Out of habit??? I do it out of habit because whenever I walk alone, I cover my mouth because I’m scared a random guy might trip in front of me and take my first kiss!

This nearly happened a few weeks ago because I didn’t cover my mouth! MUAHAHAAHAH! Nearly punched the guy in the face because I was so shocked! :OO




Sorry for talking loud of stuff... I had to much morning tea xDD








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I never notice that thing...but yeah, I probably wouldn't do that.
wheres-my-cookie #2
I always wonder that too! It's all I ever see when I watch fancams and stuff xD