I realize that i was being too kind and kind of stupid but now i realized

I Shouldn't focus on people, who are mean to me, so if your not my friend then your not, i shouldn't let them make me sad either

Thanks to my Unnies and Oppa, who made me realize, that too.

Becasue i realized that she was never my friend, and she was just using me, so i should have notice when she first started to be mean, but i thought she was joking 

I realize also that she would be friends with me as long if i didn't stand up for myself, so when i did she was shocked, and mad, so that why she responded the way she did.

I remember when my brother talked to her brother, she tried to freak out at me thinking i would be all im sorry and cry, cause her and her friends surround d

 but no that day i was tired so i flip out on her but no i didn't cuss, i was just telling her how she, it was my brother and how their friends and i yelled her in fornt of her friends that thought i was scared of her, 

i didn't cry or anything i just made my calm voice heard, i was just so cranky that day but it work out for the better ^_^ .

i realize that it wasn't my fault, i think that why i was sad that day when i wrote that blog, because i thought it was my fault , that i lost her, but i realize everything when she so called her self snapping at me. 

But now i'm Happier, and I'm closer with my other friends, and my other friends said that she did too much negative things in that situation.

Soo all in all i learned that people change all the time, so i should try and notice the changes and 

i also realize that i shouldn't has to change myself for people  to like me, so now i happier and i'm don't talk to her or her groupies. anymore and she doesn't talk to me, i still get glares, and whisperied but i'm happier now 

I really glad i met my unnies and oppa, Thank you guys so much, for being there when i needed someone.


Saranghae UNNIES & OPPA


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Yeah. Don't change. I love you just the way you are<3
People do change for the better. But you shouldn't cos you're already at your "better".
I love you<3 Stay strong dongsaeng.
Sincerely, Jaekyung, your loud, hyper unnie.
P.S for some reason I was about to write hyung instead of unnie. Am I your hyung??? Lol.