❝「 MINT 」 // Jung Mi Yung. ♥



lillyanna / lyne / 9










TELL ME ----
Full name: Jung Mi Yung
Nicknames: • Mimi + is just a short name from Miyung, usually people that know her call her that
Date of birth: 11/24/97
Birthplace + Hometown: Seoul, South Korea + Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean-Chinese
Languages: • Korean + she was born and raised in Korea
• Chinese + her mother and step-father are from China
Blood type: B
Height + Weight: 169cm + 51kg
Faceclaim: Su Eun
Back-up faceclaim: Kim Shin Yeong
Style: Miyung likes to wear clothes that makes her feel comfortable, clothes that she can make her move around easily. She usually wears sweats with shorts and sneakers. Jackets are a thing that it can't be missing to Miyung and if it has hoods it's even better, specially if it's in winter season. She doesn't like to wear high heels, because it hurt her feet and she knows that she would fell on the floor right after taking a step. Dresses she just uses if it's needed, she's not really into dresses, one of the reasons is because she has to wear heels. Miyung also likes to wears snapbacks and doesn't like to wear short necklaces, just long ones with charms.
• Casual: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4
• Dorm: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4
• Training: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4
• Formal: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4
• Airport: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4
Traits: lively, bright, easy-going, lazy, irresponsible
Personality: Miyung is always very positive, energetic and cheerful, since the early day until the late night. It's really unusual to she see her sad or crying. If crying she maybe crying from happiness. People around her tend always to have a smile placed on their faces because of Miyung's jokes and pranks. She's very clumsly  and being a clumsy girl she often falls on the floor or hit her head on the wall. All types of things that make a person clumsy she may have almost all of them. She thinks that her life must be lived at the fullest and to her the fullest is remembering all the happy and funny things she had in her life, so Miyung usually just thinks about happy moments with her friends and family. She's an easy-going girl so doesn't really care about much things and one of them are what people think about her, she just ignores them or just go along with them laughing at anything they say, but there are times when she's really laughing because she finds herself funny. Miyung may be a little bit lazy about somethings and gives up easily when she finds it really hard just, in rare situations, when she really wants to do something, she makes up her mind that she will do it until the end and do it. 
Miyung gets distracted easily. When she's doing something or going somewhere if she gets distracted by someone or something she forgets what she was doing and ends up not doing it. When this happens she always has the felling that she forgot about something but doesn't know what it is. No one can ask her to do something because of her distration problem but most of the time is because she doesn't want to do it, since she's really lazy, and pretend that she didn't hear it or she forgot, Miyung always talks or does something before thinking and sometimes when her friends are talking about something she remembers something out of the topic and burst that out to them making them look at Miyung with a 'What are you talking about?' look with people she just met, they think that Miyung is some stupid girl. But all the things that comes out from aren't just stupid and good things. She also says what she thinks that it's bad and sometimes that hurt the others people feelings but she tries to be more careful ever since they she heard about it but there's still times when she does that and it really common. 
• cakes

• amusement park
• rabbits

• steak
• video games
• anime

• sleeping
• ketchup
• milk
• hot weathers

• bugs
• chores
• studying

• skinship
• playing games
• sleeping
• eating

• dancing
• watching dramas
• drawing
• phtography
• claps while laughing
• has always a backpack with her
• puff her cheeks when annoyed or bored

• dancing and jumping when she's happy
• in pratices she always has a hood or a snapback on
• bitting pen when writting
she blushes when a guy does skinship with her even if it's someone she have known for years
• it's needed to call her 5-7 time to wake-up;
• she can ride a skateboard and do trick with it;
• wants to try acting someday;

• lucky number is 7;
• favorite colors are blue and black;
• her chinese name is Zheng Mei Ying;
someone taller than her, around 180 cm, older than her. Someone that can take care of her and is able to cook.
Twitter: @j.miyung
Background: Miyung was born in Korea. She's korean-chinese because she had a korean father and a chinese mother as parents but now she has a chinese dad and mom because her parents divorced when Miyung had 4. Since her father is a businessman he wouldn't go home many times because he had to stay at work until late or suddendly he had to go overseas. Miyung's mom didn't liked because that always made Miyung cry and was already making her mad because he cared more about his work than her or his daughter so she decided to divorce him. She moved near to Namsan Tower and after about 2 years there met a chinese man and married him a year after. Miyung didn't like it at first but accepted it because her mom was happy. Her biologic father would visit Miyung more often then when he and Miyung's mom were together after he heard the reason why her mom decided to divorce then he made a decision that he would at least go to celebrate Christmas and her daughter's birthday.
Miyung started to learned piano when she had 7 when her mom had time to teach her. Miyung had around 8 years when she got interested in dance. She begged her mom to let her join in some dance classes in Seoul. Her mom accepted and Miyung learned dancing about 6 years while at the same time learned how to play piano and guitar and sing with her mom. Miyung made the decision that she wanted to be an idol after she started watching them performancing on stage, they were like shining stars and she wanted to shine like them and decided that that was her dream. Her parents supported her because they already knew since when Miyung was young that she would like to do that. When she started to be a trainee she stopped her dance classes, since it took a lot of her time.
Trainee Life: She's been a trainee for 3 years. Like every trainee her trainee life wasn't easy. She had to wake up and go to school then after school she had to pratice. On the weekends she passed almost all day inside the pratice room. At morning, she had to run 2km and do sit-ups and push-ups, after that she goes to the company and do her lessons about half day then pratice what she learned the rest of the day. It was even harder when she worked this hard but didn't know when was going to debut or if she was already good enough. All the competion between he trainees weren't helping too. Although it was hard, Miyung always tried her best since she really wanted to be an idol, it was her dream, so she tried to make it a little bit easier while thinking about things that didn't make sense and made her laugh.
Talent: Miyung is really good at dancing, since she had lessons and likes it, she can do breakdance and popping dance really well. She's also good at singing but dance is her strength. About rapping, it's definitely her weak point. She can't even copy them, maybe just a few then she just says things that no ones understand
Stage Name: Miyung
Father | Jung Woon Ha | 43 | hard-working, kind, obedient, serious, mature | Businessman | Closeness 6
Mother | Zheng Xiao Yu | 40 | protective, caring, kind, scary, understanding | Music Teacher | Closeness 9
Step-Father | Wu Ji Wei | 42 | mischievous, funny, lively, caring, outgoing | P.E Teacher | Closeness 8
Cousin | Jung Soo Yeon (Jessica) | 25 | cold, serious, kind, mature, caring | Idol (SNSD) | Closeness 7

Cousin | Jung Soo Jung (Krystal) | 20 | funny, serious, kind, caring, childish | Idol (f(x)) | Closeness 8
Best-Friend | Lee Min Ji | 19 | serious, mature, responsible, hard-working, kind | College Student | Closeness 9
Best-Friend | Lee Yoo Young | 19 | innocent, warm, pacient, cute, respectful | Idol (Hello Venus) | Closeness 9
Friend | Nam Woo Hyun | 23 | greasy, caring, funny, outgoing, lazy | Idol (Infinite) | Closeness 7
Friend | Park Mi Hyuk | 20 | lively, outgoing, irresponsible, funny, protective | Trainee | Closeness 6
Friend | Choi Jong Hyun (Changjo) | 19 | serious, mature, hot-tempered, funny, kind | Idol (Teen Top) | Closeness 6
I GOT A BOY ----
Love interest: Kim Myung Soo (Infinite)
Back-up love interest: Gong Chan Shik (B1A4)
Date of birth: 03/13/92
Traits: funny, caring, hot-tempered, protective, 4D-mind
Relationship: Miyung's mom and Myungsoo's are close friends because their mothers know each other so since young that they known each other. They treat each other like brother and sister. They a lot about each other, almost everything. Since Miyung liked to have a sister or a brother because she's an only child, Myungsoo and his brother became the brothers that she never had. When they have time they usually hang out together and play around or go eat something. Miyung doesn't like skinship but with Myungsoo she doesn't mind since she knows him since she was young. Miyung likes more when Myungsoo is Myungsoo because, to Miyung, L is too difficult to understand since he was always that expressionless face that can mean anything but fortunaly with her L is always Myungsoo, even tough she finds L charming. Myungsoo always teases Miyung because she eats to much or because of her obession for hood sweats and that annoys Miyung. Miyung when it's around Myungsoo she acts like a little kid so Myungsoo can give her attention.
Scene requests: • going to weekly idol or dream team
                                • can Miyung confess to L instead the traditional way?
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