single stupidest thing ive done all school year...i think...


i did something a lil stupid yesterday and im just gonna say it now...

-below is taken from my tumblr-

Yesterday, a few of my friends were on their way to get boba & asked me last minute if I wanted to go with them. I had been craving boba all day, of course I said yes. Now, my dorm room is right on the way to the boba place & my window happens to face the shortcut we take to get there. So, with me being me, I brilliantly thought that it was a good idea to go out the window (*note: I live on the 1st floor, so I thought it was reasonable). 
Yeahhhhhhhh…I bet you all know where this is going…
So, I see my friends coming by & I climb up to the window opening. I was able to get my body outside, but as I tried landing on the ground, I found out that it’s actually further from the ground than I thought. I saw this pipe that I thought I could use as a step, so I go for it…
Next thing I knew, I was on the ground. I was just laying there & I started to laugh. My friends & my roommate (who was inside our room) saw me fall. Thank God there was no one else around (I think). I also managed to somehow land underneath this row of bushes, but I don’t even remember hitting it. But yeah, I was just laying there. Laughing. I even remember saying, ‘I’m dead. I’m dead, aren’t I?’ After laying there for a good 3ish minutes, I got up & went to get boba with my friends. 
The results if my little stunt was:
- a scraped elbow
- a bruised arm 
- a broken nail 
- a hurt foot
- a broken window
- & a lifetime memory
It is the single stupidest thing I’ve done all school year.

-link to my tumblr, with some pictures-

yeah, just felt like sharing...

ta-da, for my stupid moments..!


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Im sorry but laughing so hard now!