I don't know how to title this thing....so I'll just call it RANDOM~

Hi so I have to tell you this b4 you read.... there is ranting here and it could be emotional, also you might fnd me crazy because I am so random and I rarely show it, last but not least It will sound like I have mood swings XDD so forgive me in advance~


okay....so first of all I know a secret about a friend of mine, actually I consider her as my unnie her on AFF.... some of you guys might know her if your a fan of Jungmin(Ss501) she's a great blogger, and she deactivated already.... I'm the president of her fan club actually kekeke~~~ all I want to say to her is: UNNIE!! I MISS YOU SO SO SO SO SO MUCH! IF YOU'RE READING THIS(I bet you aren't) I JUST WANT TO TELL YOU I LOVE YOU!!!!

now, I just want to compliment Xander!! WAAHH!!! he's voice is better than, I can't believe I'm saying this but, he's better than Kibummie and Kevin~!!!(in my opinion)

I want Ss501 to comeback!!! TT^TT

I'm having wirters block!!! EOTTEOKKE?!?!?!?!

My mom is soooooooooo annoying!!! I'm doing something!!!

Young saeng is so cute in my DP!!!

I'm planning to make a SHINee fic~~ but, I don't know who the cast will be.

I'M HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lastly, Christmas is coming.......



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I think I know her... She seems to be my friend but I don't know... :)