Reporting Plagiarism

I was going through the plagiarism tag and I discovered two things:

1. I posted over fifteen blogs regarding this issue. Maybe more since I don't really tag blog posts before.

2. There is a thread which is like AFF's version of's Hall of Shame - except that the fics are linked and no names are mentioned.

And so the following is my totally biased opinion on item number two. 

I know how frustrating it is to see stories getting plagiarized and no matter what we do, we can't seem to stop plagiarizers from stealing fics. There was a time when I wanted to publish Keeper's Bingo Book (ref: Anbu's Bingo Book, Naruto). I wanted to post my Bingo Book so that unknowing readers - clueless followers who hang on to every word of author-nim - would know that author-nim is a thief. So that they would give their praises to the authors who really deserve them.

But I didn't. Why? I don't want to lose my account, that's what I said.

We cannot put users on blast. It says "do not write inflammatory posts about other users" below the text editor and there is an expanded version stated in item 11 of the Tou, Prohibited User Conduct. 

While I merely informed a mod about the existence of the thread, because technically no user was put on blast, I have this strange feeling that this isn't such a good idea after all. The links are still there and the links would lead us to the plagiarizers. We can't stop our fellow users from confronting the culprit, which could lead to mass cyberbullying - especially from the immature readers who believe that sending threats is a way of defending author-nim. We've seen/experienced that last year. Ehem. 

I know I shouldn't even be thinking about the welfare of plagiarizers. They are criminals and they deserve to be punished. They gave me so much grief for three years and a half. I lost count of the number of tickets and reports I made. I should be promoting the thread. 

The first time I encountered a plagiarizer was in 2011. I made the mistake of talking to her. I ended up posting my replies to this plagiarizer through a blog because she kept deleting them. The mod has contacted her already and told her to take down her fics. But I wanted more than that. I want a proper apology for the sake of the original authors of the fics that she turned into apply fics. She won't admit why she was putting down her fics and gave some lame excuse about her friend who gave her the idea. Annoyed, I pm'd all her subscribers and showed the links to the original story.

But not one of them understood. This was a big problem before. Plagiarism is an alien concept. And I realized that I would never get her to apologize - there are things I have to let go. No plagiarizer in his/her right mind would admit to anything in spite of the evidence proving their guilt.

That same year, I posted links in a blog right after I submitted a ticket. A few of my friends saw it before the link became inaccessible and fortunately, none of them left comments. Yeah, I monitored the threads and the profile once I realized too late that by posting the links, I might have created more problems. This is why I'm writing this. Even though nothing bad happened then, it doesn't mean it wouldn't now. 

In tumblr, I submitted fanart reposts to this tumblr account dedicated to informing the shippers which post to like/reblog. Tumblr doesn't deal with reposters. It's in the guidelines but I can't expect them to take down all reposts or ban the reposter. I reblogged posts of theme-makers whose themes were plagiarized. I don't know why a post needs a thousand notes before the moderators act on the official report submitted by the original maker. Thief was selling his graphics (not just the theme) which he made for free -_- is too large for their moderators so the users took it upon themselves to police the site. When I saw the Hall of Shame in, I wanted to have something similar here. And we got that. User Public Reports, anyone? 

If a fic is suddenly gone or removed, check the User Public Report and know what authornim has done. Fics are taken down when authors violate the rules.

AFF is not Tumblr or FFnet. We have ways. We must follow a process. In this post, I enumerated why we should use the report content link:

1. Moderators are trained to handle impossible users. Do not even try to talk to them or you'll end up with a major headache. They were able to steal your story without remorse, why would you think they would delete it on their own just because you told them to? They are capable of stealing, lying won't be that hard. ("Ang sinungaling, kapatid ng magnanakaw." = singungaling (liar), kapatid (sibling), magnanakaw (thief) ).

2. Your identity would remain anonymous. Fear is the greatest reason why people turn a blind eye. But with AFF's report system, you are safe :3 

3. Moderators can delete the fic and ban the user (after many warnings). You can't. You can rant all you want but unless you report it, the plagiarizer and his/her fic will not disappear.

4. By keeping silent, you are helping the plagiarizer by letting him/her steal more stories.


And then after it has been dealt with, you can let out the feels but don't drop any names :D


But what if the the plagiarizer posted it in another site?

This post from a mod informs us how to report plagiarism on other sites

And then after it has been dealt with, you can let out the feels but don't drop any names :D

I made a wattpad account because an AFFer's fic got plagiarized and I just had to file a report because author haven't done so and her friends were like "Take this fic down". We can't take a fic down that way.

Let the author file the report, if you can't. If the author doesn't want to, then we can't do anything about it. (Well I don't really inform the author when I report fics here in AFF. I just inform them after... and that is if I am in a good mood to deal with people.) Then check out the plagiarizer silently. If you find plagiarizer's account here, notify a mod. It's in our ToU that we can't take anything here and post it elsewhere without permission. So that user still violated our ToU by taking a fic here and posted it in another site.
- Keeper



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I've seen loads of plagiarized stories on Wattpad...what is wrong with some people on that site? Can they not come up with their own ideas? Quite sad -__- It's like some don't care who they steal from or think about the consequences of their actions. I also like to wait and be sure, if the author was really plagiarized word for word or not. Some have screamed out 'I've been plagiarized!' but, when they send me the link, it just seemed like the other author had a similiar title and plot yet it wasn't the other author's words.

So there's cases like that as well, where a person is blamed for plagiarism yet they've done no harm.

And don't get me started on users who really think it's fine and dandy to up and steal someone's hard work and dedication -__- That's seriously messed up thinking there.
I can't really empathise but to say the least—think before you act, think about everything, all aspects before you decide on plagiarising.

(Unforeseen thought: Getting plagiarised for a story that you plagiarised and you make a big deal out of it—laughable.)
you made a huge boulder fall off my shoulder just reading this.
thank you. so. much.

somehow it appeased my anxiety of posting at least my humble fan-fics here (i'm still weary about putting up any of my acumulated original work. don't think i ever will) after all the plagiarized cases i've noticed the past few days. if i had a choice, i'd keep everything to myself (which is why i'm also slow at posting my stories) but then how would i improve if not from those who read, scrutinize and help my writing evolve. god. this is depressing just thinking about it. but thank you, i feel a little safer here.
It is not easy to find those plagiarized stories, so once found, its should be reported for sure. Good thing, we have that 'User Public Reports' now, at least let it be known to all that said fic was banned for a reason.
There are only few simple rules that a fic could be banned or a user can be banned, and they are simple to follow. Breakers should face the consequence of their actions.
I've already reported over three stories that plagiarized one of my good friend's writing. It's really sad; she's an amazing writer so her fics are often plagiarized. Plus, she's so kind and forgiving so she usually talks to the person and tries to get him/her to take down the story so he/she won't get banned. But once she tells me, I just go ahead and report them anyways because I honestly take plagiarism so seriously and it pisses me off so much. One person who plagiarized her actually (nearly) won a writing contest with that fic, and I think that was when I started to really, really hate plagiarizers despite what reason they may have. OTL. But it's not always easy finding plagiarized works; there's just so many stories out there and the only ones you find are ones you come across. It's hard to go sifting for them.