
Can all the Amber Lurvers people I know and friend comment "here here" on this blogpost.

I need to keep up with who already deleted their account and who is still loving Amber

This helps if I want to advertise Amber projects and need support from Amber AFFer.


But by the way, long time no see! Hope yall are doing great! I'm still with the same old issue- trying to write something.


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doll_head #1
Here! Ah yes, trying to write so something is so tough too for me!
Hi... Great to see someone trying the best to brought more amber ff. Will try to help maybe by advertise it, tried once on asianfae unnie's amber writing contest, but I lost it, well I don't have enough karma on that time.

Anyway anyone of you already now about the AFF fundrising?
here here. Wait, do you still remember me? ∩__∩