I need an image designed >"

Annyeong everyone ^^

Ok I know you may get bored with my blogs and say that its just rubbish ........ but please listen on !

I cant garantee you that it will be worth reading but ...........

I need someone who is good with photoshop to design me just an image ~ not a poster or graphic.

Its just for my first fanfic which is out in a few days xD

Its simply those side school bags but I want it to look a bit more cartoonised? I dunno ~

Heres the image:

http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/4254/australian1.jpg  i dont even know if it works =.=

basically, its one of those brown side bags with that loooong strap where you can ..... heyy you know those animes where children going to school usually bring as a bag? Yeah similar to those ~ I need them to be a bit more cartoonised :D


& My first fanfic has changed again! :))

Its featuring Super Junior's Kyuhyun, Donghae, Sungmin, Ryeowook, Eunhyuk, and more members !! It also features SHINee and SNSD and f(x) <-- yes, Im a huge FAN of SMTown <3

& basically ......... (just read on :D)

Originally, this was supposed to be an fanfic about being a part-time baby sitter for your secret love's baby brother, in order to earn money for the family out of debt from your appa's absence. During your baby sitting days, you started to develop feelings for the owner's son blah blah blah, but then I added more to the start of the story, from the very beginning about how your umma and her friend met and how they split up to pursue their own dreams …… and then met up years later when she had children, which in this case, is you - Lee Eunmi & your little dongsaeng, Lee Donghae. You made a best friend named Cho Kyuhyun, and surprisingly, it was the son of your umma's childhood friend.


One day, because of a major problem, your family left to the states, leaving a broken-hearted Cho Kyuhyun and memories of childhood behind. More events and interesting happenings will eventually appear as high school becomes a battlefield between love and hate, friendships become on the verge of shattering and life becomes a difficulty.


That is just the beginning of a very long fanfic, angst and fluff mixed together, life, love, hate, anxieties ....... yeah ^^ I got the idea in one go so i wrote down the idea so i dont forget it. it took like, two days? But anyways ~ the story's gonna be more detailed from the beginning & ...... yeah, please look forward to it ^^


I also need a title for this fanfic, I changed it so ...... yeah help me with a title ?! :D


Kamsahamnida ! <3




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HiHi~ Ermm..I'm pretty good at making up interesting chapter titles and titles but I don't really understand your story. Who's the main couple?? You & Kyuhyun or what?? And when you said 'you left a broken-hearted kyuhyun' , is he the one you fell for or is it someone else or?? and there is the part where you said ' secret-love' so who is the 'secret love'?? so yaa...don't really understand..but interesting story titles such as 'Electrifying Princess' or if you are focusing on alot of couples in ONE high school , '_____ High School' is a good choice. So ya..tell me again your storyline and I'll help you! :D