Dear Taeyeon and Tiffany

Hello.  We have never met, and It's unlikely that we ever will.

It's also highly unlikely that either of you will ever read this

I'm putting this out there because of recent events. As a writer of fanfiction, I find it so unfair how some people can judge you for trying in vain to live a normal life. For me, before I discovered kpop, fanfiction was a harmless thing written usually about two fictional characters. It really surprised me to find out that people would write such detailed things about two living, breathing people, especially the same pairings. I admit, I saw a great challenge to be had in trying to do something like that and couldn't resist trying myself. It was something I related to personally, and I used your likeness to express the difficulties I'd gone through in my own life.  

But now, when I sit down and really think about what it would be like.. If I were famous And someone decided for me who I should prefer, and what gender I was attracted to in graphic detail, it might freak me the out.

Not in every situation, but in the people who truely believed it, the people that don't know when to stop.  Those that are now outraged and/or leaving the fandom over REALITY. Those who claim some weird sick ownership over you though you have never even met, and may never even be in the same country together ever... How do you honestly cope with all of this.  I have met and spoken to those fans before, and it rolled off my back when they say something like 'oh Taeyeon is mine', and then to find out later they will actually get angry and defend their claim against someone else...


It's nuts.  Kpop can be bonkers. But I respect your plight more than ever now after seeing this first hand.  Stay strong.


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I agree with this for sure. How can people be angry at them for trying to live their life? And leaving the fandom is just so completely screwed up. It's about all the girls, not just taeny right?
I totally agree 100%. Kpop fans can be insanely possessive. And over what? Who? Irony is—they're idealizing. They have no idea who these people are. They probably never will. So the fact that they can hurt over things like this—this crap—what the hell? If your friend started to date someone, would you give a what their preference was? Just because they're not gay—and I absolutely have no idea why kpop actually delude themselves into thinking that they are—does that mean they aren't the ideal? That's so weirdly erse. Wow. Usually, it's the othe way around. UGH! This is so strange! It's good, but it's not? I don't even know! What the even is ually, tbh. Personally, I lend it my utmost respect, and at the same time, am sceptical of its existence as labels. Idk. Sorry, I'm ranting. I probably don't make any sense at all right now LOL.